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DSS (version 2.12.0)

makeBSseqData: Create an object of BSseq class from several data frames.


This is an utility function to merge BS-seq data from replicated experiment and create an object of BSseq class. After sequence alignment and proper processing, the BS-seq data can be summarized by following information at each C position (mostly CpG sites, with some CH): chromosome number, genomic coordinate, total number of reads covering the position, and number of reads showing methylation at this position. For replicated samples, the data need to be merged based on the chromosome number and genomic coordinates. This function provide such functionality. It takes replicated data as a list of data frames, merged them, and create a BSseq object.


makeBSseqData(dat, sampleNames)


A list of multiple data frames from biological replicates. Each element represents data from one replicate. The data frame MUST contain following columns in correct order: (1) Chromosome number; (2) Genomic coordinates; (3) Read coverage of the position from BS-seq data; (4) Number of reads showing methylation of the position. The colnames MUST BE "chr", "pos", "N", "X".
A vector of characters for the sample names. The length of the vector should match the length of the input list.


An object of 'BSseq' class.

See Also



Run this code

## first read in methylation data.
path <- file.path(system.file(package="DSS"), "extdata")
dat1.1 <- read.table(file.path(path, "cond1_1.txt"), header=TRUE)
dat1.2 <- read.table(file.path(path, "cond1_2.txt"), header=TRUE)
dat2.1 <- read.table(file.path(path, "cond2_1.txt"), header=TRUE)
dat2.2 <- read.table(file.path(path, "cond2_2.txt"), header=TRUE)

## make BSseq objects
BSobj <- makeBSseqData( list(dat1.1, dat1.2, dat2.1, dat2.2),
  c("C1","C2", "N1", "N2") )


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