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The function can be used to update KNN model when new data is provided
KnnUpdate(knnMdl, newData)
a list containing :
data - The updated data using old data set and new data
xCol - The column number of features provided by user or the best subset column number
yCol - The column number of target provided by user
bestK - The best k nearest neighbor calculated for the new data using user specified features and target
a list containing:
knnMdl$data - The data set provided by user
knnMdl$xCol - The column number of features provided by user or the best subset column number
knnMdl$yCol - The column number of target provided by user
knn$bestK - The best k nearest neighbor calculated using the function KnnFit
a dataframe or a matrix, to be used for updating the model
data = data1[c(1:100),] xCol = 2 yCol = 7 subsetSelection = FALSE knn_model = KnnPCFit(data, xCol, yCol, subsetSelection) newData = data1[c(101:110), ] knn_newmodel = KnnUpdate(knn_model, newData)
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