Function comparison using Gaussian Process and Hypothesis testing
confLevel = 0.95,
limitMemory = TRUE,
opt_method = "nlminb",
sampleSize = list(optimSize = 500, bandSize = 5000),
rngSeed = 1
a list containing :
muDiff - A vector of pointwise difference between the predictions from the two datasets (mu2- mu1)
mu1 - A vector of test prediction for first data set
mu2 - A vector of test prediction for second data set
band - A vector of the allowed statistical difference between functions at testpoints in testset
confLevel - A numeric representing the statistical significance level for constructing the band
testset - A matrix of test points to compare the functions
estimatedParams - A list of estimated hyperparameters for GP
A list of data sets to compute a function for each of them
A numeric or vector stating the column number of covariates
A numeric value stating the column number of target
A single value representing the statistical significance level for constructing the band
Test points at which the functions will be compared
A boolean (True/False) indicating whether to limit the memory use or not. Default is true. If set to true, 5000 datapoints are randomly sampled from each dataset under comparison for inference.
A string specifying the optimization method to be used for hyperparameter estimation. Current options are: 'L-BFGS-B'
, 'BFGS'
, and 'nlminb'
. Default is set to 'nlminb'
A named list of two integer items: optimSize
and bandSize
, denoting the sample size for each dataset for hyperparameter optimization and confidence band computation, respectively, when limitMemory = TRUE
. Default value is list(optimSize = 500, bandSize = 5000)
Random seed for sampling data when limitMemory = TRUE
. Default is 1.
Prakash, A., Tuo, R., & Ding, Y. (2022). "Gaussian process aided function comparison using noisy scattered data," Technometrics, Vol. 64, No. 1, pp. 92-102, tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1080/00401706.2021.1905073").
datalist = list(data1[1:100,], data2[1:100, ])
xCol = 2
yCol = 7
confLevel = 0.95
testset = seq(4,10,length.out = 20)
function_diff = funGP(datalist, xCol, yCol, confLevel, testset)
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