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DSWE (version 1.6.3)

ComputeWeightedDifference: Percentage weighted difference between power curves


Computes percentage weighted difference between power curves based on user provided weights instead of the weights computed from the data. Please see details for more information.


  statDiff = FALSE,
  confBand = NULL


a numeric percentage weighted difference or statistical significant percetage weighted difference based on whether statDiff is set to FALSE or TRUE.



a vector of pointwise difference between two power curves on a testset as obtained from ComparePCurve() or funGP() function.


a vector of user specified weights for each element of muDiff. It can be based on any probability distribution of user's choice. The weights must sum to 1.


a vector of predictions from a power curve; to be used as the denominator in computing the percentage difference. It can be either mu1 or mu2 as obtained from ComparePCurve() or funGP() function.


a boolean specifying whether to compute the statistical significant difference or not. Default is set to FALSE, i.e. statistical significant difference is not computed. If set to TRUE, confBand must be provided.


a vector of pointwise confidence band for all the points in the testset as obtained from ComparePCurve() or funGP() function, named as band. Should only be provided when statDiff is set to TRUE. Default value is NULL.


The function is a modification to the percentage weighted difference defined in Ding et al. (2021). It computes a weighted difference between power curves on a testset, where the weights have to be provided by the user based on any probability distribution of their choice rather than the weights being computed from the data. The weights must sum to 1 to be valid.


For details, see Ding et al. (2021) available at tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1016/j.renene.2021.02.136").


Run this code

ws_test = as.matrix(seq(4.5,8.5,length.out = 10))

userweights = dweibull(ws_test, shape = 2.25, scale = 6.5) 
userweights = userweights/sum(userweights) 
data1 = data1[1:100, ]
data2 = data2[1:100, ]
datalist = list(data1, data2)
xCol = 2
xCol.circ = NULL
yCol = 7
testCol = 2
output = ComparePCurve(data = datalist, xCol = xCol, yCol = yCol, 
testCol = testCol, testSet = ws_test) 
weightedDiff = ComputeWeightedDifference(output$muDiff, userweights, output$mu1)
weightedStatDiff = ComputeWeightedDifference(output$muDiff, userweights, output$mu1, 
statDiff = TRUE, confBand = output$band)

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