An artificial dataset inspired by a similar dataset pizza.sav in Arbeitsbuch zur deskriptiven und induktiven Statistik by Toutenburg
The dataset contains data of a pizza delivery service in London, delivering pizzas to three areas. Every record defines one order/delivery and the according properties. A pizza is supposed to taste good, if it's temperature is high enough, say 45 Celsius. So it might be interesting for the pizza delivery service to minimize the delivery time.
The dataset is designed to be possibly evil. It contains the most used datatypes as numerics, factors, ordered factors, integers, logicals and a date. NAs are scattered everywhere, besides in the index.
A data frame with 1209 observations on the following 17 variables.
The dataset contains NAs randomly scattered.
Toutenburg H, Schomaker M, Wissmann M, Heumann C (2009): Arbeitsbuch zur deskriptiven und induktiven Statistik Springer, Berlin Heidelberg