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DescTools (version 0.99.37)

TOne: Create Table One Describing Baseline Characteristics


Create a table summarizing continuous, categorical and dichotomous variables, optionally stratified by one or more variables, while performing adequate statistical tests.


TOne(x, grp = NA, add.length = TRUE, colnames = NULL, vnames = NULL, total = TRUE,
     align = "\\l", FUN = NULL, TEST = NULL, intref = "high",
     fmt = list(abs = Fmt("abs"), num  = Fmt("num"), per = Fmt("per"),
              pval = as.fmt(fmt = "*", na.form = "   ")) )



a data.frame containing all the variables to be included in the table.


the grouping variable.


logical. If set to TRUE (default), a row with the lengths of the group will be inserted as first row of the table.


a vector of columnnames for the result table.


a vector of variablenames to be placed in the first column instead of the real names.


logical, TRUE if totals should be added.


the character on whose position the strings will be aligned. Left alignment can be requested by setting sep = "\\l", right alignment by "\\r" and center alignment by "\\c". Mind the backslashes, as if they are omitted, strings would be aligned to the character l, r or c respectively. Default value is "\\l", thus left alignment.


the function to be used as location and dispersion measure (typically mean/sd or alternatively median/IQR). See examples.


a list of functions to be used to test the variables. Must be named as "num", "cat" and "dich" and be defined as function with arguments (x, g), generating something similar to a p.value. (See examples.)


one out of "high" (default) or "low", defining which value of a dichotomous numeric or logical variable should be reported. Usually this will be 1 or TRUE. Setting it to "low" will report the lower value 0 or FALSE.


format codes for absolute, numeric and percentage values, and for the p-values of the tests.


a character matrix


There are three types of variables currently implemented: numeric, factor and variables with only two levels.

See Also



Run this code
options(scipen = 8)
opt <- DescToolsOptions()

# define some special formats for count data, percentages and numeric results
# (those will be supported by TOne)
Fmt(abs = as.fmt(digits = 0, big.mark = "'"))

Fmt(per = as.fmt(digits = 1, fmt = "%"))

Fmt(num = as.fmt(digits = 1, big.mark = "'"))

TOne(x = d.pizza[, c("temperature", "delivery_min", "driver", "wine_ordered")],
  grp = d.pizza$quality)

# define median/IQR as describing functions for the numeric variables
TOne(iris[, -5], iris[, 5],
  FUN = function(x) {
    gettextf("%s / %s",
      Format(median(x, na.rm = TRUE), digits = 1), 
      Format(IQR(x, na.rm = TRUE), digits = 3))

# replace kruskal.test by ANOVA and report the p.value
# Change tests for all the types
TOne(x = iris[, -5], grp = iris[, 5],
     FUN = function(x) gettextf("%s / %s",
            Format(mean(x, na.rm = TRUE), digits = 1),
            Format(sd(x, na.rm = TRUE), digits = 3)), 

     TEST = list(
       num = list(fun = function(x, g){summary(aov(x ~ g))[[1]][1, "Pr(>F)"]},
                        lbl = "ANOVA"),
               cat = list(fun = function(x, g){chisq.test(table(x, g))$p.val},
                        lbl = "Chi-Square test"),
               dich = list(fun = function(x, g){fisher.test(table(x, g))$p.val},
                         lbl = "Fisher exact test")),
       fmt = list(abs = Fmt("abs"), num  = Fmt("num"), per = Fmt("per"),
                pval = as.fmt(fmt = "*", na.form = "   ")) 

# dichotomous integer or logical values can be reported by the high or low value
x <- sample(x = c(0, 1), size = 100, prob = c(0.3, 0.7), replace = TRUE)
y <- sample(x = c(0, 1), size = 100, prob = c(0.3, 0.7), replace = TRUE) == 1
z <- factor(sample(x = c(0, 1), size = 100, prob = c(0.3, 0.7), replace = TRUE))
g <- sample(x = letters[1:4], size = 100, replace = TRUE)
d.set <- data.frame(x = x, y = y, z = z, g = g)

TOne(d.set[1:3], d.set$g, intref = "low")

TOne(d.set[1:3], d.set$g, intref = "high")

# intref would not control factors, use relevel to change reported value
TOne(data.frame(z = relevel(z, "1")), g)

TOne(data.frame(z = z), g)


# }
# Send the whole stuff to Word
wrd <- GetNewWrd()
  TOne(x = d.pizza[, c("temperature", "delivery_min", "driver", "wine_ordered")],
       grp = d.pizza$quality)

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab