PlotFdist(x=d.pizza$delivery_min, na.rm=TRUE)
# define additional arguments for hist, dens and boxplot
# do not display the mean and its CI on the boxplot
PlotFdist(d.pizza$delivery_min, args.hist=list(breaks=50),
args.dens=list(col="olivedrab4"), na.rm=TRUE,
args.boxplot=list(col="olivedrab2", pch.mean=NA, col.meanci=NA))
# do a "h"-plot instead of a histogram for integers
x <- sample(runif(10), 100, replace = TRUE)
PlotFdist(x, args.hist=list(type="mass"))
pp <- rpois(n = 100, lambda = 3)
PlotFdist(pp, args.hist = list(type="mass", pch=21, col=horange,
cex.pch=2.5, col.pch=hred, lwd=3, bg.pch="white"),
args.boxplot = NULL, args.ecdf = NA, main="Probability mass function")
# special arguments for hist, density and ecdf
args.hist=list(breaks=20), args.dens=list(bw=.1),
args.ecdf=list(cex=1.2, pch=16, lwd=1), args.rug=TRUE)
# no density curve, no ecdf but add rug instead, make boxplot a bit higher
PlotFdist(x=d.pizza$delivery_min, na.rm=TRUE, args.dens=NA, args.ecdf=NA,
args.hist=list(xaxt="s"), # display x-axis on the histogram
args.rug=TRUE, heights=c(3, 2.5), pdist=2.5, main="Delivery time")
# alpha channel on rug is cool, but takes its time for being drawn...
PlotFdist(x=d.pizza$temperature, args.rug=list(col=SetAlpha("black", 0.1)), na.rm=TRUE)
# plot a normal density curve, but no boxplot nor ecdf
x <- rnorm(1000)
PlotFdist(x, args.curve = NULL, args.boxplot=NA, args.ecdf=NA)
# compare with a t-distribution
PlotFdist(x, args.curve = list(expr="dt(x, df=2)", col="darkgreen"),
args.boxplot=NA, args.ecdf=NA)
legend(x="topright", legend=c("kernel density", "t-distribution (df=2)"),
fill=c(getOption("col1", hred), "darkgreen"), xpd=NA)
# add a gamma distribution curve to both, histogram and ecdf
ozone <- airquality$Ozone; m <- mean(ozone, na.rm = TRUE); v <- var(ozone, na.rm = TRUE)
PlotFdist(ozone, args.hist = list(breaks=15),
args.curve = list(expr="dgamma(x, shape = m^2/v, scale = v/m)", col=hecru),
args.curve.ecdf = list(expr="pgamma(x, shape = m^2/v, scale = v/m)", col=hecru),
na.rm = TRUE, main = "Airquality - Ozone")
legend(x="topright", xpd=NA,
legend=c(expression(plain("gamma: ") * Gamma * " " * bgroup("(", k * " = " *
over(bar(x)^2, s^2) * " , " * theta * plain(" = ") * over(s^2, bar(x)), ")") ),
"kernel density"),
fill=c(hecru, getOption("col1", hred)), text.width = 0.25)
# }
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