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Select the last edges that were created in a graph object of class
. This function should ideally be used just after creating the
edges to be selected.
A graph object of class dgr_graph
A graph object of class dgr_graph
# Create a graph and add a cycle and then
# a tree in 2 separate function calls
graph <-
create_graph() %>%
n = 3,
rel = "a") %>%
k = 2, h = 2,
rel = "b")
# Select the last edges created (all edges
# from the tree) and then set their edge
# color to be `red`
graph <-
graph %>%
select_last_edges_created() %>%
edge_attr = color,
value = "red") %>%
# Display the graph's internal edge
# data frame to verify the change
graph %>% get_edge_df()
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab