X <- seq(-1,1,l=21)
Y <- 3*X + rnorm(21,0,0.5)
# construction of a linear model
modLm <- modelFit(X,Y,type = "Linear",formula="Y~.")
if (FALSE) {
# illustration on a 2-dimensional example
Branin <- function(x1,x2) {
x1 <- 1/2*(15*x1+5)
x2 <- 15/2*(x2+1)
(x2 - 5.1/(4*pi^2)*(x1^2) + 5/pi*x1 - 6)^2 + 10*(1 - 1/(8*pi))*cos(x1) + 10
# A 2D uniform design with 20 points in [-1,1]^2
n <- 20
X <- matrix(runif(n*2,-1,1),ncol=2,nrow=n)
Y <- Branin(X[,1],X[,2])
Z <- (Y-mean(Y))/sd(Y)
# Construction of a Kriging model
mKm <- modelFit(X,Z,type = "Kriging")
# Prediction and comparison between the exact function and the predicted one
xtest <- seq(-1, 1, length= 21)
ytest <- seq(-1, 1, length= 21)
Zreal <- outer(xtest, ytest, Branin)
Zreal <- (Zreal-mean(Y))/sd(Y)
Zpredict <- modelPredict(mKm,expand.grid(xtest,ytest))
z <- abs(Zreal-matrix(Zpredict,nrow=length(xtest),ncol=length(ytest)))
contour(xtest, xtest, z,30)
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