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Directional (version 7.1)

MLE of (hyper-)spherical rotationally symmetric distributions: MLE of (hyper-)spherical rotationally symmetric distributions


MLE of (hyper-)spherical rotationally symmetric distributions.


vmf.mle(x, fast = FALSE, tol = 1e-07)
multivmf.mle(x, ina, tol = 1e-07, ell = FALSE)
iag.mle(x, tol = 1e-06)
sipc.mle(x, tol = 1e-6)
acg.mle(x, tol = 1e-07)
spcauchy.mle(x, tol = 1e-06)
spcauchy.mle2(x, tol = 1e-06)
pkbd.mle(x, tol = 1e-6)
pkbd.mle2(x, tol = 1e-6)


For the von Mises-Fisher a list including:


The maximum log-likelihood value.


The mean direction.


The concentration parameter.

For the multi von Mises-Fisher a list including:


A vector with the maximum log-likelihood values if ell is set to TRUE. Otherwise NULL is returned.


A matrix with the group mean directions.


A vector with the group concentration parameters.

For the angular central Gaussian a list including:


The number if iterations required by the algorithm to converge to the solution.


The estimated covariance matrix.

For the spherical projected normal a list including:


The number of iteration required by the Newton-Raphson.


A matrix with two rows. The first row is the mean direction and the second is the mean vector. The first comes from the second by normalising to have unit length.


A vector with the elements, the norm of mean vector, the log-likelihood and the log-likelihood of the spherical uniform distribution. The third value helps in case you want to do a log-likelihood ratio test for uniformity.

For the spherical Cauchy and the PKBD a list including:


The mean in \(R^{d+1}\). See Tsagris and Alenazy (2023) for a re-parametrization that applies in the spherical Cauchy also.


The mean direction.


The norm of the mean in \(R^{d+1}\). See Tsagris and Alenazy (2023) for a re-parametrization that applies in the spherical Cauchy also.


The concetration parameter, this takes values in [0, 1).


The log-likelihood value.

For the SIPC a list including:


The mean direction.


The log-likelihood value.

For the angular central Gaussian a list including:


The number of iterations performed.


The covariance matrix.



A matrix with directional data, i.e. unit vectors.


IF you want a faster version, but with fewer information returned, set this equal to TRUE.


A numerical vector with discrete numbers starting from 1, i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4,... or a factor variable. Each number denotes a sample or group. If you supply a continuous valued vector the function will obviously provide wrong results.


This is for the multivmf.mle only. Do you want the log-likelihood returned? The default value is TRUE.


The tolerance value at which to terminate the iterations.


Michail Tsagris and Zehao Yu.

R implementation and documentation: Michail Tsagris mtsagris@uoc.gr and Zehao Yu zehaoy@email.sc.edu.


The vmf.mle() estimates the mean direction and concentration of a fitted von Mises-Fisher distribution.

The von Mises-Fisher distribution for groups of data is also implemented.

The acg.mle() fits the angular central Gaussian distribution. There is a constraint on the estimated covariance matrix; its trace is equal to the number of variables. An iterative algorithm takes place and convergence is guaranteed.

The iag.mle() implements MLE of the spherical projected normal distribution, for spherical and hyper-spherical data.

The spcauchy.mle() is faster than the spcacuhy.mle2() because it employs the Newton-Raphson algortihm. Both functions estimate the parameters of the spherical Cauchy distribution, for any dimension. Despite the name sounds confusing, it is implemented for arbitrary dimensions, not only the sphere. The function employs a combination of the fixed points iteration algorithm and the Brent algorithm.

The pkbd.mle() estimates the parameters of the Poisson kernel-based distribution (PKBD), for any dimension and it is faster than pkbd.mle2() for the same reason with the spcauchy.mle().

The sipc.mle() implements MLE of the spherical independent projected Cauchy distribution, for spherical data only.


Mardia K. V. and Jupp P. E. (2000). Directional statistics. Chicester: John Wiley & Sons.

Sra S. (2012). A short note on parameter approximation for von Mises-Fisher distributions: and a fast implementation of \(I_s(x)\). Computational Statistics, 27(1): 177--190.

Tyler D. E. (1987). Statistical analysis for the angular central Gaussian distribution on the sphere. Biometrika 74(3): 579--589.

Paine P.J., Preston S.P., Tsagris M. and Wood A.T.A. (2018). An Elliptically Symmetric Angular Gaussian Distribution. Statistics and Computing, 28: 689--697.

Tsagris M. and Alzeley O. (2024). Circular and spherical projected Cauchy distributions: A Novel Framework for Circular and Directional Data Modeling. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2302.02468.pdf

Kato S. and McCullagh P. (2020). Some properties of a Cauchy family on the sphere derived from the Mobius transformations. Bernoulli, 26(4): 3224--3248. https://arxiv.org/pdf/1510.07679.pdf

Golzy M. and Markatou M. (2020). Poisson kernel-based clustering on the sphere: convergence properties, identifiability, and a method of sampling. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 29(4): 758--770.

Sablica L., Hornik K. and Leydold J. (2023). Efficient sampling from the PKBD distribution. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 17(2): 2180--2209.

Zehao Yu and Xianzheng Huang (2024). A new parameterization for elliptically symmetric angular Gaussian distributions of arbitrary dimension. Electronic Journal of Statististics, 18(1): 301--334.

Tsagris M., Papastamoulis P. and Kato S. (2024). Directional data analysis using the spherical Cauchy and the Poisson kernel-based distribution. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2409.03292.

See Also

racg, rvmf


Run this code
m <- c(0, 0, 0, 0)
s <- cov(iris[, 1:4])
x <- racg(100, s)
mod <- acg.mle(x)
cov2cor(mod$cova)  ## estimated covariance matrix turned into a correlation matrix
cov2cor(s)  ## true covariance matrix turned into a correlation matrix
x <- rbind( rvmf(100,rnorm(4), 10), rvmf(100,rnorm(4), 20) )
a <- multivmf.mle(x, rep(1:2, each = 100) )

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