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DistatisR (version 1.1.1)

BeersFlashProfile: An example of an excel file storing the Flash Profile of 6 (fictitious) assessors evaluating 7 (imaginary) beers. This excel file can be read by read.df.excel.


BeersFlashProfile: An example of an excel file storing the Flash Profile of 6 (fictitious) assessors evaluating 7 (imaginary) beers. This excel file can be read by read.df.excel.





Hervé Abdi


In this example of Flash Profiling 6 (fictitious) assessors evaluated 7 (imaginery) beers. First, Each assessor chose a set of descriptors suited to describe these beers and then ranked (or rated in variations of the technique) the beers for each dimension. Note that the descriptors as well as the number of descriptors vary with the judges.

Note: The names of the variables starts with the Judges ID (J1- to J6-).

Note: the data are stored in the Excel Sheet called Rankings of the excel file BeersFlashProfile.xlsx.


Abdi, H., & Valentin, D. (2007). Some new and easy ways to describe, compare, and evaluate products and assessors. In D., Valentin, D.Z. Nguyen, L. Pelletier (Eds) New trends in sensory evaluation of food and non-food products. Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam): Vietnam National University & Ho Chi Minh City Publishing House. pp. 5-18.

See Also

BeersProjectiveMapping BeersProjectiveMapping_xlsx


Run this code
# get the path and file name
path2file <- system.file("extdata",
                  "BeersFlashProfile.xlsx", package = 'DistatisR')
# read the data in excel file with read.df.excel
beerDataFlash  <- read.df.excel(path = path2file,
                           sheet = 'Rankings')$df.data
 # the Flash Profiling data are now in the data.frame beerDataFlash                        

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab