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DistatisR (version 1.1.1)

WinesRankingRawData: WinesRankingRawData: an example of an excel file with (simulated) ranking data. Can be read with the function read.df.excel().


WinesRankingRawData: an example of an excel file with (simulated) ranking data (6 wines ranked by 80 Assessors). Can be read by read.df.excel.



To fetch this dataset use system.file() (see example below).




Herve Abdi


In this example of a "ranking task," 80 (simulated or fictitious) assessors ranked 6 red wines from Burgundy (France). The assessor first chooses the most relevant dimension for these wines and then positions the wines on a scale from 1 to 9 for this dimension. The names of the assessors is composed of 4 characters of the general composition w/ma/f01 : 80. The assessors were 40 men and 40 women (first character w/n) and 40 American or 40 French (second character a/f). The red wines that were tasted are Irancy, Saint-Brie, Beaune, Nuits (Cote de Nuits), Beaujolais, and Beaujolais-Nouveau. Irancy & Saint-Brie are near the cities of Auxerre and Chablis, Beaune & Cote de Nuits are from central Burgundy, and Beaujolais and Beaujolais Nouveau are from the south of Burgundy; Beaujolais Nouveau is a young wine (a primeur) released in November of its year, after only a few weeks of fermentation.


Run this code
path2file <- system.file("extdata",
           "WinesRankingRawData.xlsx", package = 'DistatisR')
ranking6Wines <- read.df.excel(path = path2file, sheet = 'Ranking')

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab