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DistatisR (version 1.1.1)

projectVoc: Compute barycentric projections for count-like description of the items of a distatis-type of analysis.


projectVoc Compute barycentric projection for count-like description of the items of a distatis-type of analysis. The data need to be non-negative and typically represent the vocabulary (i.e., words) used to describe the items in a sorting/ranking/projective-mapping task.


projectVoc(CT.voc, Fi, namesOfFactors = NULL)


a list with 1) Fvoca.bary: the barycentric projections of the words, and 2) Fvoca.normed: the CA normalized (i.e., variance of projections equals eigenvalue) barycentric projections of the words.



a matrix or data.frame storing a \(I\) items by \(J\) descriptors contingency table where the \(i,j\)-th cell gives the number of times the \(j\)-th descriptor (in the column) was used to describe the \(i\)-th item (in the row). CT.voc needs to contain only non-negative numbers.


a matrix or data.frame storing the \(I\) items by \(L\) factor scores obtained from the compromise of a distatis analysis or equivalent.


(Default: NULL), if NULL, projectVoc uses the names of the columns of Fi for the names of the projected factors; if namesOfFactors is one word then this word is used to name the factors of the projections; if namesOfFactors is a character vector, it is used to name the factors of the projection.


Herve Abdi


two types of projection are computed: 1) a plain barycentric (words are positioned at the barycenter--a.k.a. center of mass--of the items it describes) and 2) a correspondence analysis barycentric where the variance of the projected words is equal to the variance of the items (as for correspondence analysis when using the "symmetric" representation).


Abdi, H., & Valentin, D., (2007). Some new and easy ways to describe, compare, and evaluate products and assessors. In D., Valentin, D.Z. Nguyen, L. Pelletier (Eds) New trends in sensory evaluation of food and non-food products. Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam): Vietnam National University & Ho Chi Minh City Publishing House. pp. 5-18.


Lahne, J., Abdi, H., & Heymann, H. (2018). Rapid sensory profiles with DISTATIS and barycentric text projection: An example with amari, bitter herbal liqueurs. Food Quality and Preference, 66, 36-43.


Run this code
# use the data from the BeersProjectiveMapping dataset
# Create the I*J*K brick of data
zeBrickOfData <- projMap2Cube(
                  shape = 'flat',  nVars = 2)
# create the cube of covariance matrices between beers
cubeOfCov <- createCubeOfCovDis(zeBrickOfData$cubeOfData)
# Call distatis
testDistatis <- distatis(cubeOfCov$cubeOfCovariance, Distance = FALSE)
# Project the vocabulary onto the factor space
F4Voc <- projectVoc(BeersProjectiveMapping$CT.vocabulary, 

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab