Given the parameters of a unimodal distribution and the root of
the density function name, this function determines the range outside
of which the density function is negligible, to a specified
distCalcRange(densFn, param = NULL, tol = 10^(-5), ...)
A two-component vector giving the lower and upper ends of the range.
Character. The name of the density function for which
range calculation is required.
Numeric. A vector giving the parameter values for the
distribution specified by densFn. If no param values
are specified, then the default parameter values of each
distribution are used instead.
Passes arguments to uniroot.In
particular, the parameters of the distribution.
The name of the unimodal density function must be supplied as the
characters of the root for that density (e.g. norm,
ghyp). The particular unimodal distribution being considered is
specified by the values of the parameters or of the
param vector.
The function gives a range, outside of which
the density is less than the given tolerance. It is used in
determining break points for the separate sections over which
numerical integration is used to determine the distribution
function. The points are found by using uniroot on the
density function.