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DistributionUtils (version 0.6-1)

distMode: Mode of a Unimodal Distribution


Function to calculate the mode of a unimodal distribution which is specified by the root of the density function name and the corresponding parameters.


distMode(densFn, param = NULL, ...)


The mode is found by a numerical optimization using




Character. The name of the density function for which the mode is required.


Numeric. A vector giving the parameter values for the distribution specified by densFn. If no param values are specified, then the default parameter values of each distribution are used instead.


Passes arguments to optimize. In particular, the parameters of the distribution.


The name of the unimodal density function must be supplied as the characters of the root for that density (e.g. norm, ghyp). The particular unimodal distribution being considered is specified by the value of the argument param, or for base R distributions by specification in the ... arguments.

See Also

distStepSize, qDist.


Run this code
normRange <- distCalcRange("norm", tol = 10^(-7), mean = 4, sd = 1)
curve(dnorm(x, mean = 4, sd = 1), normRange[1], normRange[2])
abline(v = distMode("norm", mean = 4, sd = 1), col = "blue")

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