Learn R Programming

DiversityOccupancy (version 1.0.5)

responseplot.abund: plot the response of an abundance model to the change of aparticular variable


This function takes a diversityoccupancy object and one of the variables used to predict abundance, and makes a plot showing the response of occupancyt against the selected variable. This function automatically limits the values of that variable to the maximum and minimum values of the dataset.


responseplot.abund(batch, spp, variable)


A result from the diversityoccu function.
The species number of which response is going to be ploted.
The variable of which the response is to be ploted.


a ggplot object plotting the alpha diversity response to the selected variable.

See Also



Run this code
## Not run: 
# data("IslandBirds")
# data("Daily_Cov")
# data("siteCov")
# #Model the abundance for 5 bird species and calculate alpha diversity from that
# BirdDiversity <-diversityoccu(pres = IslandBirds, sitecov = siteCov,
# obscov = Daily_Cov,spp = 5, form = ~ Day + Wind + Time + Rain +
# Noise ~ Elev + AgroFo + SecVec + Wetland + Upland)
# #plot the response of abundance to individual variables for species 4, 11
# responseplot.abund(batch = BirdDiversity, spp = 4, variable = Elev)
# responseplot.abund(batch = BirdDiversity, spp = 11, variable = Elev)
# ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab