Fit a Bayesian Latent Factor to a data set using STAN
model = "PLT",
var.prior = "IG",
prog = "stan",
parallel = TRUE,
Xhisto = NULL,
nchains = 4,
nthin = 10,
niter = 10000,
a string indicating the type of model ("PLT", or sparse", default = "PLT")
the family of priors to use for the variance parameters ("IG" for inverse gamma, or "cauchy")
a string indicating the MCMC program to use (default = "stan")
true or false, whether or not to parelleize (done using the package "parallel")
matrix of simulated data (projected onto the histogram basis)
number of chains (default = 2)
the number of thinned interations (default = 1)
number of iterations (default = 1e4)
rotation matrix of the same dimension as the number of desired latent factors
stanfit, a STAN object
The Stan Development Team Stan Modeling Language User's Guide and Reference Manual.