This is used to control the behavior of the underlying optimization code.
maxit = 100L,
feastol = 1e-08,
reltol = 1e-08,
abstol = 1e-08,
feastol_inacc = 1e-04,
abstol_inacc = 5e-05,
reltol_inacc = 5e-05,
verbose = 0L,
mi_max_iters = 1000L,
mi_int_tol = 1e-04,
mi_abs_eps = 1e-06,
mi_rel_eps = 1e-06
a list with the following elements:
the tolerance on the primal and dual residual, parameter feastol
the absolute tolerance on the duality gap, parameter abstol
the relative tolerance on the duality gap, parameter reltol
the tolerance on the primal and dual residual if reduced precisions, parameter feastol_inacc
the absolute tolerance on the duality gap if reduced precision, parameter abstol_inacc
the relative tolerance on the duality gap if reduced precision, parameter reltol_inacc
the maximum number of iterations for ecos, parameter maxit
the maximum number of branch and bound iterations (mixed integer problems only), parameter mi_max_iters
the integer tolerence (mixed integer problems only), parameter mi_int_tol
the absolute tolerance between upper and lower bounds (mixed integer problems only), parameter mi_abs_eps
the relative tolerance, \((U-L)/L\), between upper and lower bounds (mixed integer problems only), parameter mi_rel_eps
verbosity level, parameter verbose
the maximum number of iterations for ecos, default 100L
the tolerance on the primal and dual residual, default 1e-8
the relative tolerance on the duality gap, default 1e-8
the absolute tolerance on the duality gap, default 1e-8
the tolerance on the primal and dual residual if reduced precisions, default 1e-4
the absolute tolerance on the duality gap if reduced precision, default 5e-5
the relative tolerance on the duality gap if reduced precision, default 5e-5
verbosity level, default 0L. A verbosity level of 1L will show more detail, but clutter session transcript.
the maximum number of branch and bound iterations (mixed integer problems only), default 1000L
the integer tolerence (mixed integer problems only), default 1e-4
the absolute tolerance between upper and lower bounds (mixed integer problems only), default 1e-6
the relative tolerance, \((U-L)/L\), between upper and lower bounds (mixed integer problems only), default 1e-6