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EGAnet (version 1.2.3)

methods.section: Automated Methods Section for EGAnet Objects


This function accepts EGA objects and generates a Methods section for your analysis. The output is an HTML page containing the descriptions of the methods and parameters as well as a Reference section for appropriate citation.


  stats = c("net.loads", "net.scores", "dimensionStability", "itemStability")


Automated HTML Methods section in your default browser



EGAnet objects. Available methods (more methods will be added soon!):

  • EGA Exploratory graph analysis

  • bootEGA Bootstrap exploratory graph analysis

  • UVA Unique variable analysis


Methods section for statistics in EGAnet. Multiple statistics can be input. Available statistics:

  • net.loads Network loadings. Requires EGA object to be input

  • net.scores Network scores. Requires EGA object to be input

  • dimensionStability Structural consistency. Requires bootEGA object to be input

  • itemStability Item stability. Requires bootEGA object to be input


Run this code
# Load data
wmt <- wmt2[,7:24]

if (FALSE) {
# Estimate EGA
ega.wmt <- EGA(data = wmt)

# EGA Methods section

# Estimate standardized network loadings
wmt.loads <- net.loads(ega.wmt)$std

# EGA Methods section with network loadings
methods.section(ega.wmt, stats = "net.loads")

# bootEGA example
## plot.type = "qqraph" used for CRAN checks
## plot.type = "GGally" is the default
boot.wmt <- bootEGA(
  data = wmt, iter = 500,
  type = "parametric", ncores = 2

# EGA and bootEGA Methods section
methods.section(ega.wmt, boot.wmt)

# Estimate structural consistency
sc.wmt <- dimensionStability(boot.wmt)

# EGA and bootEGA Methods section with structural consistency and item stability
methods.section(boot.wmt, stats = c("dimensionStability", "itemStability"))

# EGA with network loadings and
# bootEGA Methods section with structural consistency and item stability
  stats = c(

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab