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EGAnet (version 1.2.3)

net.loads: Network Loadings


Computes the between- and within-community strength of each item for each community. This function uses the comcat and stable functions to calculate the between- and within-community strength of each item, respectively.


net.loads(A, wc, pos.manifold = FALSE, min.load = 0)


Returns a list containing:


A matrix of the unstandardized within- and between-community strength values for each node


A matrix of the standardized within- and between-community strength values for each node


The minimum loading to appear in summary of network loadings. Use print() or summary() to view



Matrix, data frame, or EGA object. A network adjacency matrix


Numeric or character vector. A vector of community assignments. If input into A is an EGA object, then wc is automatically detected


Boolean. Should a positive manifold be applied (i.e., should all dimensions be positively correlated)? Defaults to FALSE. Set to TRUE for a positive manifold


Numeric. Sets the minimum loading allowed in the standardized network loading matrix. Values equal or greater than the minimum loading are kept in the output. Values less than the minimum loading are removed. This matrix can be viewed using print() or summary() Defaults to 0


Alexander P. Christensen <alexpaulchristensen@gmail.com> and Hudson Golino <hfg9s at virginia.edu>


Simulation studies have demonstrated that a node's strength centrality is roughly equivalent to factor loadings (Christensen, Golino, & Silvia, 2019; Hallquist, Wright, & Molenaar, in press). Hallquist and colleagues (in press) found that node strength represented a combination of dominant and cross-factor loadings. This function computes each node's strength within each specified dimension, providing a rough equivalent to factor loadings (including cross-loadings).

For more details, type vignette("Network_Scores")


Christensen, A. P., & Golino, H. (2021). On the equivalency of factor and network loadings. Behavior Research Methods, 53, 1563-1580.

Christensen, A. P., Golino, H., & Silvia, P. J. (2020). A psychometric network perspective on the validity and validation of personality trait questionnaires. European Journal of Personality, 34, 1095-1108.

Hallquist, M., Wright, A. C. G., & Molenaar, P. C. M. (2019). Problems with centrality measures in psychopathology symptom networks: Why network psychometrics cannot escape psychometric theory. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 1-25.


Run this code

# Load data
wmt <- wmt2[,7:24]

if (FALSE) {
# Estimate EGA
ega.wmt <- EGA(
  data = wmt,
  plot.EGA = FALSE # No plot for CRAN checks

# Network loadings

if (FALSE) {
# Produce Methods section
  stats = "net.loads"

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab