Selects the most variant genes of a expression dataset. For each gene,
the difference between the quantile with probability (1 - probs) and the
quantile with probability probs is computed. Default for probs value is
set to 0.25 such that the difference corresponds to the Inter Quartile
Range (IQR).
A expression matrix, genes on rows and samples on columns
Difference threshold - Genes are selected based on the difference threshold
Genes number threshold - Selects the N genes with the
highest difference value
probability value used to compute both quantiles
The name of the selected genes.
The difference is computed for each genes. If the thres.diff option is
chosen, the most variant genes are selected according to the difference
threshold. If the thres.num option is chosen, the genes are ordered
according to their difference value level, and the N first genes are selected.
# NOT RUN {data(marty)
data.f<-expFilter(marty, graph=FALSE)
##Select the 50 most variant genes amongst the 1000 first genessel<-genes.selection(data.f[1:1000,], thres.num=50)
# }