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### Empirical Mode Decomposition
ndata <- 3000
tt2 <- seq(0, 9, length=ndata)
xt2 <- sin(pi * tt2) + sin(2* pi * tt2) + sin(6 * pi * tt2) + 0.5 * tt2
try <- emd(xt2, tt2, boundary="wave")
### Ploting the IMF's
par(mfrow=c(try$nimf+1, 1), mar=c(2,1,2,1))
rangeimf <- range(try$imf)
for(i in 1:try$nimf) {
plot(tt2, try$imf[,i], type="l", xlab="", ylab="", ylim=rangeimf,
main=paste(i, "-th IMF", sep="")); abline(h=0)
plot(tt2, try$residue, xlab="", ylab="", main="residue", type="l", axes=FALSE); box()
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab