## load example data set
## Example 1 - perform the most simple test
q <- 4:7
l <- seq(from = 0, to = 0.1, by = 0.02)
M1 <- test.robustness(X = X, q = q, l = l,
ol.rej = 1, mRt.rej = 0.8,
plot = TRUE,
colour = c(4, 7),
xlab = c(expression(paste("Grain size (", phi, ")",
sep = "")),
expression(paste("Grain size (", phi, ")",
sep = ""))))
## Example 2 - perform the test without rejection criteria and plots
P <- cbind(rep(q[1], length(l)),
rep(q[3], length(l)),
M2 <- test.robustness(X = X, P = P)
## Plot 1 - end-member loadings which do not overlap and yielded mRt > 0.80.
plot(M2$Vqsn[1,], type = "l", ylim = c(0, max(M2$Vqsn, na.rm = TRUE)),
main = "End-member loadings")
for (i in 2:nrow(M2$Vqsn)) lines(M2$Vqsn[i,])
# Plot 2 - histogram of mode positions
breaks = 1:ncol(X),
main = "Mode positions",
xlab = "Class")
# Plot 3 - positions of modelled end-member modes by number of end-members
# Note how scatter in end-member position decreases for the "correct" number
# of modelled end-members (6) and an appropriate weight limit (ca. 0.1).
ii <- order(M2$q, M2$modes)
modes <- t(rbind(M2$modes, M2$q))[ii,]
seq(1, nrow(modes)),
main = "Model overview",
xlab = "Class",
ylab = "EM number in model run",
pch = as.character(modes[,2]),
cex = 0.7)
# Illustrate mode positions as stem-and-leave-plot, useful as a simple
# check, which mode maxima are consistently fall into which grain-size
# class (useful to define "limits" in robust.EM).
stem(M2$modes, scale = 2)
# }
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