A data.frame with a design and transcriptomic data.
Ellen Færgestad Mosleth
Clinical study on humans was performed as a 2-way factorial design with two factors
both on two levels: bariatric surgery on two levels (before and after the bariatric
surgery) and type 2 diabetes (T2D) on two levels (with and without T2D). There were
8 patients without T2D and 7 with T2D. It was discovered that the patients with T2D
would be separated in two groups: 3 patients in the group called T2D1 and 4 patients
in the group called T2D2. The experiment can therefore also analysed as 2 way factorial
design where the disease factor is on three levels. All patients were obese before
bariatric surgery (BMI >45). Transcriptome in the subcutaneous adipose tissue were
obtained before and one year after bariatric surgery.
Dankel et al. 2010. Switch from Stress Response to Homeobox Transcription Factors in Adipose Tissue After Profound Fat Loss. Plos One 5.