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ETC (version 1.5)

ETC-package: Equivalence to Control


Treatments of a one-way layout, being equivalent to a control, can be selected with this package. Bonferroni adjusted "two one-sided t-tests" (TOST) and related simultaneous confidence intervals are given for both differences or ratios of means of normally distributed data. For the case of equal variances and balanced sample sizes for the treatment groups, the single-step procedure of Bofinger and Bofinger (1995) <doi:10.1111/j.2517-6161.1995.tb02058.x> can be chosen. For non-normal data, the Wilcoxon test is applied.



Package: ETC
Type: Package
Version: 1.5
Date: 2022-03-02
License: GPL
LazyLoad: yes
  • etc.diffSimultaneous equivalence tests and related confidence intervals for differences to control

  • etc.ratSimultaneous equivalence tests and related confidence intervals for ratios to control

  • BWData set of body weights measured in a toxicological study


Hothorn, L.A. and Hasler, M. (2008): Proof of hazard and proof of safety in toxicological studies using simultaneous confidence intervals for differences and ratios to control, Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics 18, 915-933;

Bofinger, E. and Bofinger M. (1995): Equivalence with respect to a control: Stepwise tests, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B 57 (4), 721-733;

Bofinger, E. (1985): Expanded confidence intervals, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 14 (8), 1849-1864


Run this code

comp <- etc.diff(formula=Weight~Dose, data=BW, margin.up=30, method="Bofinger")
# }

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