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Ease (version 0.1.2)

outFunct: Custom output function


Allow to produce a custom output for a simulation.





list of some characteristics of the population : - customOutput : list of all previous savings - gen : generation - freqGeno : list of genotypic frequency matrices (matrix 1 x # genotypes). The list is constructed as follows: if the population is hermaphroditic it has only one element "ind", if the population is dioecious it has three elements, "female", "male" and "ind" which correspond respectively to the genotypic frequencies of the females, the males and the average of the two (assuming a sex ratio of 50:50). - freqHaplo : list of genotypic frequency matrices (matrix 1 x # haplotypes). The list is constructed in the same way as for genotypic frequencies (see above). - freqAlleles : list of allelic frequency matrices (matrix 1 x # alleles). The list is constructed in the same way as for genotypic frequencies (see above).


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This function is called each generation in each population of a simulation and systematically returns a list with the first element being a logic that indicates whether something should be saved. If so, the second element of this list will be saved.

By default the save nothing function, but it can be changed by the user as an argument in the simulate method of the Metapopulation class.