a cross-section from 1976
number of observations : 3010
observation : individuals
country : United States
A dataframe containing :
lived in SMSA in 1966 ?
lived in SMSA in 1976 ?
grew up near 2-yr college ?
grew up near 4-yr college ?
grew up near 4-year public college ?
grew up near 4-year private college ?
education in 1976
education in 1966
age in 1976
dad's education (imputed avg if missing)
dad's education imputed ?
mother's education
mom's education imputed ?
lived with mom and dad at age 14 ?
single mom at age 14 ?
step parent at age 14 ?
lived in south in 1966 ?
lived in south in 1976 ?
log wage in 1976 (outliers trimmed)
mom-dad education class (1-9)
black ?
wage in 1976 (raw, cents per hour)
enrolled in 1976 ?
the kww
a normed IQ score
married in 1976 ?
library card in home at age 14 ?
experience in 1976
Verbeek, Marno (2004) A Guide to Modern Econometrics, John Wiley and Sons, chapter 5.