## Rato of IRS to census estimates for the 95th percentile
plot(P95IRSvsCensus~Year, incomeInequality, type='b')
# starts ~0.74, trends rapidly up to ~0.97,
# then drifts back to ~0.75
# check
# The Census data runs to 2011; Pikety and Saez runs to 2010.
quantile(incomeInequality$P95IRSvsCensus, na.rm=TRUE)
# 0.72 ... 0.98
## Persons per Family
plot(personsPerFamily~Year, incomeInequality, type='b')
# ranges from 3.72 to 4.01 with median 3.84
# -- almost 4
## GDP per family
plot(realGDPperFamily~Year, incomeInequality, type='b', log='y')
## Plot the mean then the first quintile, then the median,
## 99th, 99.9th and 99.99th percentiles
plotCols <- c(21, 3, 5, 11, 13:14)
kcols <- length(plotCols)
plotColors <- c(1:6, 8:13)[1:kcols] # omit 7=yellow
plotLty <- 1:kcols
matplot(incomeInequality$Year, incomeInequality[plotCols]/1000,
log='y', type='l', col=plotColors, lty=plotLty)
#*** Growth broadly shared 1947 - 1970, then began diverging
#*** The divergence has been most pronounced among the top 1%
#*** and especially the top 0.01%
## Growth rate by quantile 1947-1970 and 1970 - present
keyYears <- c(1947, 1970, 2010)
(iYears <- which(is.element(incomeInequality$Year, keyYears)))
(dYears <- diff(keyYears))
kk <- length(keyYears)
(lblYrs <- paste(keyYears[-kk], keyYears[-1], sep='-'))
(growth <- sapply(incomeInequality[iYears,], function(x, labels=lblYrs){
dxi <- exp(diff(log(x)))
names(dxi) <- labels
} ))
# as percent
(gr <- round(100*(growth-1), 1))
# The average annual income (realGDPperFamily) doubled between
# 1970 and 2010 (increased by 101 percent), while the median household
# income increased only 23 percent.
## Income lost by each quantile 1970-2010
## relative to the broadly shared growth 1947-1970
(lostGrowth <- (growth[, 'realGDPperFamily']-growth[, plotCols]))
# 1947-1970: The median gained 20% relative to the mean,
# while the top 1% lost ground
# 1970-2010: The median lost 79%, the 99th percentile lost 29%,
# while the top 0.1% gained
(lostIncome <- (lostGrowth[2, ] *
incomeInequality[iYears[2], plotCols]))
# The median family lost $39,000 per year in income
# relative to what they would have with the same economic growth
# broadly shared as during 1947-1970.
# That's slightly over $36,500 per year = $100 per day
(grYr <- growth^(1/dYears))
(grYr. <- round(100*(grYr-1), 1))
## Regression line: linear spline
(varyg <- c(3:14, 21))
Varyg <- names(incomeInequality)[varyg]
str(F01ps <- reshape(incomeInequality[c(1, varyg)], idvar='Year',
times=Varyg, timevar='pctile',
varying=list(Varyg), direction='long'))
names(F01ps)[2:3] <- c('variable', 'value')
F01ps$variable <- factor(F01ps$variable)
# linear spline basis function with knot at 1970
F01ps$t1970p <- pmax(0, F01ps$Year-1970)
table(nas <- is.na(F01ps$value))
# 6 NAs, one each of the Piketty-Saez variables in 2011
F01i <- F01ps[!nas, ]
# formula:
# log(value/1000) ~ b*Year + (for each variable:
# different intercept + (different slope after 1970))
Fit <- lm(log(value/1000)~Year+variable*t1970p, F01i)
# all highly significant
# The residuals may show problems with the model,
# but we will ignore those for now.
# Model predictions
str(Pred <- predict(Fit))
## Combined plot
# Plot to a file? Wikimedia Commons prefers svg format.
if (FALSE) {
# If you want software to convert svg to another format
# such as png, consider GIMP (www.gimp.org).
# Base plot
# Leave extra space on the right to label
# with growth since 1970
op <- par(mar=c(5, 4, 4, 5)+0.1)
log='y', type='l', col=plotColors, lty=plotLty,
xlab='', ylab='', las=1, axes=FALSE, lwd=3)
axis(1, at=seq(1950, 2010, 10),
labels=c(1950, NA, 1970, NA, 1990, NA, 2010),
yat <- c(10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000)
axis(2, yat, labels=c('$10K', '$50K', '$100K', '$500K',
'$1M', '$5M', '$10M'), las=1, cex.axis=1.2)
# Label the lines
pctls <- paste(c(20, 40, 50, 60, 80, 90, 95, 99,
99.5, 99.9, 99.99),
'%', sep='')
lineLbl0 <- c('Year', 'families K', pctls,
'realGDP.M', 'GDP deflator', 'pop-K', 'realGDPperFamily',
'95 pct(IRS / Census)', 'size of household',
'average family income', 'mean/median')
(lineLbls <- lineLbl0[plotCols])
sel75 <- (incomeInequality$Year==1975)
laby <- incomeInequality[sel75, plotCols]/1000
text(1973.5, c(1.2, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 1.9)*laby[-1],
lineLbls[-1], cex=1.2)
text(1973.5, 1.2*laby[1], lineLbls[1], cex=1.2, srt=10)
## Add lines + points for the knots in 1970
End <- numeric(kcols)
F01names <- names(incomeInequality)
for(i in seq(length=kcols)){
seli <- (as.character(F01i$variable) ==
# with(F01i[seli, ], lines(Year, exp(Pred[seli]),
# col=plotColors[i]))
yri <- F01i$Year[seli]
predi <- exp(Pred[seli])
lines(yri, predi, col=plotColors[i])
End[i] <- predi[length(predi)]
sel70i <- (yri==1970)
points(yri[sel70i], predi[sel70i],
## label growth rates
table(sel70. <- (incomeInequality$Year>1969))
(lastYrs <- incomeInequality[sel70., 'Year'])
(lastYr. <- max(lastYrs)+4)
#text(lastYr., End, gR., xpd=NA)
text(lastYr., End, paste(gr[2, plotCols], '%', sep=''),
text(lastYr.+7, End, paste(grYr.[2, plotCols], '%',
sep=''), xpd=NA)
## Label the presidents
abline(v=c(1953, 1961, 1969, 1977, 1981, 1989, 1993,
2001, 2009))
(m99.95 <- with(incomeInequality, sqrt(P99.9*P99.99))/1000)
text(1949, 5000, 'Truman')
text(1956.8, 5000, 'Eisenhower', srt=90)
text(1963, 5000, 'Kennedy', srt=90)
text(1966.8, 5000, 'Johnson', srt=90)
text(1971, 5*m99.95[24], 'Nixon', srt=90)
text(1975, 5*m99.95[28], 'Ford', srt=90)
text(1978.5, 5*m99.95[32], 'Carter', srt=90)
text(1985.1, m99.95[38], 'Reagan' )
text(1991, 0.94*m99.95[44], 'GHW Bush', srt=90)
text(1997, m99.95[50], 'Clinton')
text(2005, 1.1*m99.95[58], 'GW Bush', srt=90)
text(2010, 1.2*m99.95[62], 'Obama', srt=90)
## Done
par(op) # reset margins
dev.off() # for plot to a file
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