Reinhart and Rogoff
( provide
numerous data sets analyzed in their book,
"This Time Is Different: Eight Centuries of
Financial Folly". Of interest here are data on
financial crises of various types for 70
countries spanning the years 1800 - 2010,
downloadable from
The function financialCrisisFiles
produces a list of class
describing four
different Excel files in very similar formats
with one sheet per Country and a few extra
descriptor sheets. The data object
is the default
output of that function.
It does this in several steps:
1. Read the first sheet of each file
2. Extract the names of the Countries from
that first sheet.
3. Eliminate any blank spaces in the names
to convert, e.g., "Costa Rica" to "CostaRica".
4. Find the sheets corresponding to each of the compressed names.
5. Construct the output list.