# Look at how the confidence level of a nonparametric prediction interval
# increases with increasing sample size:
seq(5, 25, by = 5)
#[1] 5 10 15 20 25
round(predIntNparConfLevel(n = seq(5, 25, by = 5)), 2)
#[1] 0.67 0.82 0.87 0.90 0.92
# Look at how the confidence level of a nonparametric prediction interval
# decreases as the number of future observations increases:
round(predIntNparConfLevel(n = 10, m = 1:5), 2)
#[1] 0.82 0.68 0.58 0.49 0.43
# Look at how the confidence level of a nonparametric prediction interval
# decreases with minimum number of observations that must be contained within
# the interval (k):
round(predIntNparConfLevel(n = 10, k = 1:5, m = 5), 2)
#[1] 1.00 0.98 0.92 0.76 0.43
# Look at how the confidence level of a nonparametric prediction interval
# decreases with the rank of the lower prediction limit:
round(predIntNparConfLevel(n = 10, lpl.rank = 1:5), 2)
#[1] 0.82 0.73 0.64 0.55 0.45
# Example 18-3 of USEPA (2009, p.18-19) shows how to construct
# a one-sided upper nonparametric prediction interval for the next
# 4 future observations of trichloroethylene (TCE) at a downgradient well.
# The data for this example are stored in EPA.09.Ex.18.3.TCE.df.
# There are 6 monthly observations of TCE (ppb) at 3 background wells,
# and 4 monthly observations of TCE at a compliance well.
# Look at the data
# Month Well Well.type TCE.ppb.orig TCE.ppb Censored
#1 1 BW-1 Background <5 5.0 TRUE
#2 2 BW-1 Background <5 5.0 TRUE
#3 3 BW-1 Background 8 8.0 FALSE
#22 4 CW-4 Compliance <5 5.0 TRUE
#23 5 CW-4 Compliance 8 8.0 FALSE
#24 6 CW-4 Compliance 14 14.0 FALSE
longToWide(EPA.09.Ex.18.3.TCE.df, "TCE.ppb.orig", "Month", "Well",
paste.row.name = TRUE)
# BW-1 BW-2 BW-3 CW-4
#Month.1 <5 7 <5
#Month.2 <5 6.5 <5
#Month.3 8 <5 10.5 7.5
#Month.4 <5 6 <5 <5
#Month.5 9 12 <5 8
#Month.6 10 <5 9 14
# If we construct the prediction limit based on the background well
# data using the maximum value as the upper prediction limit,
# the associated confidence level is only 82%.
predIntNparConfLevel(n = 18, m = 4, pi.type = "upper")
#[1] 0.8181818
# We would have to collect an additional 18 observations to achieve a
# confidence level of at least 90%:
predIntNparN(m = 4, pi.type = "upper", conf.level = 0.9)
#[1] 36
predIntNparConfLevel(n = 36, m = 4, pi.type = "upper")
#[1] 0.9
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