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EnvStats (version 2.3.0)

FcnsByCatPower: EnvStats Functions for Power and Sample Size Calculations


The EnvStats functions listed below are useful for power and sample size calculations.



Confidence Intervals

Function Name Description
ciTableProp Confidence intervals for binomial proportion, or
difference between two proportions, following Bacchetti (2010)
ciBinomHalfWidth Compute the half-width of a confidence interval for a
Binomial proportion or the difference between two proportions.
ciBinomN Compute the sample size necessary to achieve a specified
half-width of a confidence interval for a Binomial proportion or
the difference between two proportions.
plotCiBinomDesign Create plots for a sampling design based on a confidence interval
for a Binomial proportion or the difference between two proportions.
ciTableMean Confidence intervals for mean of normal distribution, or
difference between two means, following Bacchetti (2010)
ciNormHalfWidth Compute the half-width of a confidence interval for the mean of a
Normal distribution or the difference between two means.
ciNormN Compute the sample size necessary to achieve a specified half-width
of a confidence interval for the mean of a Normal distribution or
the difference between two means.
plotCiNormDesign Create plots for a sampling design based on a confidence interval
for the mean of a Normal distribution or the difference between
two means.
ciNparConfLevel Compute the confidence level associated with a nonparametric
confidence interval for a percentile.
ciNparN Compute the sample size necessary to achieve a specified
confidence level for a nonparametric confidence interval for
a percentile.
plotCiNparDesign Create plots for a sampling design based on a nonparametric

Hypothesis Tests

Function Name Description
aovN Compute the sample sizes necessary to achieve a
specified power for a one-way fixed-effects analysis
of variance test.
aovPower Compute the power of a one-way fixed-effects analysis of
variance test.
plotAovDesign Create plots for a sampling design based on a one-way
analysis of variance.
propTestN Compute the sample size necessary to achieve a specified
power for a one- or two-sample proportion test.
propTestPower Compute the power of a one- or two-sample proportion test.
propTestMdd Compute the minimal detectable difference associated with
a one- or two-sample proportion test.
plotPropTestDesign Create plots involving sample size, power, difference, and
significance level for a one- or two-sample proportion test.
tTestAlpha Compute the Type I Error associated with specified values for
for power, sample size(s), and scaled MDD for a one- or
two-sample t-test.
tTestN Compute the sample size necessary to achieve a specified
power for a one- or two-sample t-test.
tTestPower Compute the power of a one- or two-sample t-test.
tTestScaledMdd Compute the scaled minimal detectable difference
associated with a one- or two-sample t-test.
plotTTestDesign Create plots for a sampling design based on a one- or
two-sample t-test.
tTestLnormAltN Compute the sample size necessary to achieve a specified
power for a one- or two-sample t-test, assuming lognormal
tTestLnormAltPower Compute the power of a one- or two-sample t-test, assuming
lognormal data.
tTestLnormAltRatioOfMeans Compute the minimal or maximal detectable ratio of means
associated with a one- or two-sample t-test, assuming
lognormal data.
plotTTestLnormAltDesign Create plots for a sampling design based on a one- or
two-sample t-test, assuming lognormal data.
linearTrendTestN Compute the sample size necessary to achieve a specified
power for a t-test for linear trend.
linearTrendTestPower Compute the power of a t-test for linear trend.
linearTrendTestScaledMds Compute the scaled minimal detectable slope for a t-test
for linear trend.
plotLinearTrendTestDesign Create plots for a sampling design based on a t-test for
linear trend.

Prediction Intervals

Normal Distribution Prediction Intervals

Function Name Description
predIntNormHalfWidth Compute the half-width of a prediction
interval for a normal distribution.
predIntNormK Compute the required value of \(K\) for
a prediction interval for a Normal
predIntNormN Compute the sample size necessary to
achieve a specified half-width for a
prediction interval for a Normal
plotPredIntNormDesign Create plots for a sampling design
based on the width of a prediction
interval for a Normal distribution.
predIntNormTestPower Compute the probability that at least
one future observation (or mean)
falls outside a prediction interval
for a Normal distribution.
plotPredIntNormTestPowerCurve Create plots for a sampling
design based on a prediction interval
for a Normal distribution.
predIntNormSimultaneousTestPower Compute the probability that at
least one set of future observations
(or means) violates the given rule
based on a simultaneous prediction
interval for a Normal distribution.
plotPredIntNormSimultaneousTestPowerCurve Create plots for a sampling design
based on a simultaneous prediction
interval for a Normal distribution.

Lognormal Distribution Prediction Intervals

Function Name Description
predIntLnormAltTestPower Compute the probability that at least
one future observation (or geometric
mean) falls outside a prediction
interval for a lognormal distribution.
plotPredIntLnormAltTestPowerCurve Create plots for a sampling design
based on a prediction interval for a
lognormal distribution.
predIntLnormAltSimultaneousTestPower Compute the probability that at least
one set of future observations (or
geometric means) violates the given
rule based on a simultaneous
prediction interval for a lognormal
plotPredIntLnormAltSimultaneousTestPowerCurve Create plots for a sampling design
based on a simultaneous prediction
interval for a lognormal distribution.

Nonparametric Prediction Intervals

Function Name Description
predIntNparConfLevel Compute the confidence level associated with
a nonparametric prediction interval.
predIntNparN Compute the required sample size to achieve
a specified confidence level for a
nonparametric prediction interval.
plotPredIntNparDesign Create plots for a sampling design based on
the confidence level and sample size of a
nonparametric prediction interval.
predIntNparSimultaneousConfLevel Compute the confidence level associated with
a simultaneous nonparametric prediction
predIntNparSimultaneousN Compute the required sample size for a
simultaneous nonparametric prediction
plotPredIntNparSimultaneousDesign Create plots for a sampling design based on
a simultaneous nonparametric prediction
predIntNparSimultaneousTestPower Compute the probability that at least one
set of future observations violates the
given rule based on a nonparametric
simultaneous prediction interval.
plotPredIntNparSimultaneousTestPowerCurve Create plots for a sampling design based on
a simultaneous nonparametric prediction

Tolerance Intervals

Function Name Description
tolIntNormHalfWidth Compute the half-width of a tolerance
interval for a normal distribution.
tolIntNormK Compute the required value of \(K\) for a
tolerance interval for a Normal distribution.
tolIntNormN Compute the sample size necessary to achieve a
specified half-width for a tolerance interval
for a Normal distribution.
plotTolIntNormDesign Create plots for a sampling design based on a
tolerance interval for a Normal distribution.
tolIntNparConfLevel Compute the confidence level associated with a
nonparametric tolerance interval for a specified
sample size and coverage.
tolIntNparCoverage Compute the coverage associated with a
nonparametric tolerance interval for a specified
sample size and confidence level.
tolIntNparN Compute the sample size required for a nonparametric
tolerance interval with a specified coverage and
confidence level.
plotTolIntNparDesign Create plots for a sampling design based on a
nonparametric tolerance interval.