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# Look at how the confidence level of a nonparametric confidence interval
# increases with increasing sample size for a fixed quantile:
seq(5, 25, by = 5)
#[1] 5 10 15 20 25
round(ciNparConfLevel(n = seq(5, 25, by = 5), p = 0.9), 2)
#[1] 0.41 0.65 0.79 0.88 0.93
# Look at how the confidence level of a nonparametric confidence interval
# decreases as the quantile moves away from 0.5:
seq(0.5, 0.9, by = 0.1)
#[1] 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
round(ciNparConfLevel(n = 10, p = seq(0.5, 0.9, by = 0.1)), 2)
#[1] 1.00 0.99 0.97 0.89 0.65
# Reproduce Example 21-6 on pages 21-21 to 21-22 of USEPA (2009).
# Use 12 measurements of nitrate (mg/L) at a well used for drinking water
# to determine with 95% confidence whether or not the infant-based, acute
# risk standard of 10 mg/L has been violated. Assume that the risk
# standard represents an upper 95'th percentile limit on nitrate
# concentrations. So what we need to do is construct a one-sided
# lower nonparametric confidence interval for the 95'th percentile
# that has associated confidence level of no more than 95%, and we will
# compare the lower confidence limit with the MCL of 10 mg/L.
# The data for this example are stored in EPA.09.Ex.21.6.nitrate.df.
# Look at the data:
# Sampling.Date Date Censored
#1 7/28/1999 1999-07-28 <5.0 5.0 TRUE
#2 9/3/1999 1999-09-03 12.3 12.3 FALSE
#3 11/24/1999 1999-11-24 <5.0 5.0 TRUE
#4 5/3/2000 2000-05-03 <5.0 5.0 TRUE
#5 7/14/2000 2000-07-14 8.1 8.1 FALSE
#6 10/31/2000 2000-10-31 <5.0 5.0 TRUE
#7 12/14/2000 2000-12-14 11 11.0 FALSE
#8 3/27/2001 2001-03-27 35.1 35.1 FALSE
#9 6/13/2001 2001-06-13 <5.0 5.0 TRUE
#10 9/16/2001 2001-09-16 <5.0 5.0 TRUE
#11 11/26/2001 2001-11-26 9.3 9.3 FALSE
#12 3/2/2002 2002-03-02 10.3 10.3 FALSE
# Determine what order statistic to use for the lower confidence limit
# in order to achieve no more than 95% confidence.
conf.levels <- ciNparConfLevel(n = 12, p = 0.95, lcl.rank = 1:12,
ci.type = "lower")
names(conf.levels) <- 1:12
round(conf.levels, 2)
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
#1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.98 0.88 0.54
# Using the 11'th largest observation for the lower confidence limit
# yields a confidence level of 88%. Using the 10'th largest
# observation yields a confidence level of 98%. The example in
# USEPA (2009) uses the 10'th largest observation.
# The 10'th largest observation is 11 mg/L which exceeds the
# MCL of 10 mg/L, so there is evidence of contamination.
eqnpar(, p = 0.95, ci = TRUE,
ci.type = "lower", lcl.rank = 10))
#Results of Distribution Parameter Estimation
#Assumed Distribution: None
#Estimated Quantile(s): 95'th %ile = 22.56
#Quantile Estimation Method: Nonparametric
#Sample Size: 12
#Confidence Interval for: 95'th %ile
#Confidence Interval Method: exact
#Confidence Interval Type: lower
#Confidence Level: 98.04317%
#Confidence Limit Rank(s): 10
#Confidence Interval: LCL = 11
# UCL = Inf
# Clean up
# }
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