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Create plots involving sample size, number of future observations, half-width,
estimated standard deviation, and confidence level for a prediction interval for
the next
plotPredIntNormDesign(x.var = "n", y.var = "half.width", range.x.var = NULL,
n = 25, k = 1, n.mean = 1, half.width = 4 * sigma.hat, sigma.hat = 1,
method = "Bonferroni", conf.level = 0.95, round.up = FALSE, n.max = 5000,
tol = 1e-07, maxiter = 1000, = TRUE, add = FALSE, n.points = 100,
plot.col = "black", plot.lwd = 3 * par("cex"), plot.lty = 1,
digits = .Options$digits, cex.main = par("cex"), ..., main = NULL,
xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, type = "l")
character string indicating what variable to use for the x-axis.
Possible values are "n"
(sample size; the default),
(the half-width of the confidence interval),
(number of future observations or averages),
(the estimated standard deviation), and
(the confidence level).
character string indicating what variable to use for the y-axis.
Possible values are "half.width"
(the half-width of the confidence interval;
the default), and "n"
(sample size).
numeric vector of length 2 indicating the range of the x-variable to use for the plot.
The default value depends on the value of x.var
When x.var="n"
the default value is c(2,50)
When x.var="half.width"
the default value is c(2.5 * sigma.hat, 4 * sigma.hat)
When x.var="k"
the default value is c(1, 20)
When x.var="sigma.hat"
, the default value is c(0.1, 2)
When x.var="conf.level"
, the default value is c(0.5, 0.99)
positive integer greater than 1 indicating the sample size upon
which the prediction interval is based. The default value is n=25
Missing (NA
), undefined (NaN
), and infinite (Inf
, -Inf
values are not allowed.
positive integer specifying the number of future observations
or averages the prediction interval should contain with confidence level
. The default value is k=1
. This argument is
ignored if x.var="k"
positive integer specifying the sample size associated with the n.mean=1
(i.e., individual observations).
Note that all future averages must be based on the same sample size.
positive scalar indicating the half-widths of the prediction interval.
The default value is half.width=4*sigma.hat
. This argument is ignored
if either x.var="half.width"
or y.var="half.width"
numeric scalar specifying the value of the estimated standard deviation.
The default value is sigma.hat=1
. This argument is ignored if
character string specifying the method to use if the number of future observations
) is greater than 1. The possible values are method="Bonferroni"
(approximate method based on Bonferonni inequality; the default), and
(exact method due to Dunnett, 1955).
This argument is ignored if k=1
numeric scalar between 0 and 1 indicating the confidence level of the
prediction interval. The default value is conf.level=0.95
for the case when y.var="n"
, logical scalar indicating whether to round
up the values of the computed sample
sizes to the next smallest integer. The default value is round.up=TRUE
for the case when y.var="n"
, the maximum possible sample size. The default
value is n.max=5000
numeric scalar indicating the tolerance to use in the uniroot
search algorithm. The default value is tol=1e-7
positive integer indicating the maximum number of iterations to use in the
search algorithm. The default value is
a logical scalar indicating whether to create a plot or add to the existing plot
(see explanation of the argument add
below) on the current graphics device.
, no plot is produced, but a list of (x,y) values is returned
(see the section VALUE). The default value is
a logical scalar indicating whether to add the design plot to the existing plot (add=TRUE
or to create a plot from scratch (add=FALSE
). The default value is add=FALSE
This argument is ignored if
a numeric scalar specifying how many (x,y) pairs to use to produce the plot.
There are n.points
x-values evenly spaced between range.x.var[1]
. The default value is n.points=100
a numeric scalar or character string determining the color of the plotted line or points. The default value
is plot.col="black"
. See the entry for col
in the help file for par
for more information.
a numeric scalar determining the width of the plotted line. The default value is
. See the entry for lwd
in the help file for par
for more information.
a numeric scalar determining the line type of the plotted line. The default value is
. See the entry for lty
in the help file for par
for more information.
a scalar indicating how many significant digits to print out on the plot. The default
value is the current setting of options("digits")
additional graphical parameters (see par
invisibly returns a list with components:
x-coordinates of points that have been or would have been plotted.
y-coordinates of points that have been or would have been plotted.
See the help files for predIntNorm
, predIntNormK
, and predIntNormN
information on how to compute a prediction interval for the next
See the help file for predIntNorm
, predIntNormK
, predIntNormN
# Look at the relationship between half-width and sample size for a
# prediction interval for k=1 future observation, assuming an estimated
# standard deviation of 1 and a confidence level of 95%:
# Plot sample size vs. the estimated standard deviation for various levels
# of confidence, using a half-width of 4:
plotPredIntNormDesign(x.var = "sigma.hat", y.var = "n", range.x.var = c(1, 2),
ylim = c(0, 90), main = "")
plotPredIntNormDesign(x.var = "sigma.hat", y.var = "n", range.x.var = c(1, 2),
conf.level = 0.9, add = TRUE, plot.col = "red")
plotPredIntNormDesign(x.var = "sigma.hat", y.var = "n", range.x.var = c(1, 2),
conf.level = 0.8, add = TRUE, plot.col = "blue")
legend("topleft", c("95%", "90%", "80%"), lty = 1, lwd = 3 * par("cex"),
col = c("black", "red", "blue"), bty = "n")
title(main = paste("Sample Size vs. Sigma Hat for Prediction Interval for",
"k=1 Future Obs, Half-Width=4, and Various Confidence Levels",
sep = "\n"))
# The data frame EPA.92c.arsenic3.df contains arsenic concentrations (ppb)
# collected quarterly for 3 years at a background well and quarterly for
# 2 years at a compliance well. Using the data from the background well,
# plot the relationship between half-width and sample size for a two-sided
# 90% prediction interval for k=4 future observations.
# Arsenic Year Well.type
#1 12.6 1 Background
#2 30.8 1 Background
#3 52.0 1 Background
#18 3.8 5 Compliance
#19 2.6 5 Compliance
#20 51.9 5 Compliance
mu.hat <- with(EPA.92c.arsenic3.df,
#[1] 27.51667
sigma.hat <- with(EPA.92c.arsenic3.df,
#[1] 17.10119
plotPredIntNormDesign(x.var = "n", y.var = "half.width", range.x.var = c(4, 50),
k = 4, sigma.hat = sigma.hat, conf.level = 0.9)
# Clean up
rm(mu.hat, sigma.hat)
# }
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