# Two Independent Samples
# The guidance document USEPA (1994b, pp. 6.22--6.25)
# contains measures of 1,2,3,4-Tetrachlorobenzene (TcCB)
# concentrations (in parts per billion) from soil samples
# at a Reference area and a Cleanup area. These data are strored
# in the data frame EPA.94b.tccb.df.
# First create one-dimensional scatterplots to compare the
# TcCB concentrations between the areas and use a nonparametric
# test to test for a difference between areas.
stripChart(TcCB ~ Area, data = EPA.94b.tccb.df, col = c("red", "blue"),
p.value = TRUE, ci.and.test = "nonparametric",
ylab = "TcCB (ppb)")
# Now log-transform the TcCB data and use a parametric test
# to compare the areas.
stripChart(log10(TcCB) ~ Area, data = EPA.94b.tccb.df, col = c("red", "blue"),
p.value = TRUE, ylab = "log10 [ TcCB (ppb) ]")
# Repeat the above procedure, but also plot the confidence interval
# for the difference between the means.
stripChart(log10(TcCB) ~ Area, data = EPA.94b.tccb.df, col = c("red", "blue"),
p.value = TRUE, plot.diff = TRUE, diff.col = "black",
ylab = "log10 [ TcCB (ppb) ]")
# Repeat the above procedure, but allow the variances to differ.
stripChart(log10(TcCB) ~ Area, data = EPA.94b.tccb.df, col = c("red", "blue"),
p.value = TRUE, plot.diff = TRUE, diff.col = "black",
ylab = "log10 [ TcCB (ppb) ]", test.arg.list = list(var.equal = FALSE))
# Repeat the above procedure, but jitter the points instead of
# stacking them.
stripChart(log10(TcCB) ~ Area, data = EPA.94b.tccb.df, col = c("red", "blue"),
p.value = TRUE, plot.diff = TRUE, diff.col = "black",
ylab = "log10 [ TcCB (ppb) ]", test.arg.list = list(var.equal = FALSE),
method = "jitter", ci.offset = 4)
# Clean up
# Paired Observations
# The data frame ACE.13.TCE.df contians paired observations of
# trichloroethylene (TCE; mg/L) at 10 groundwater monitoring wells
# before and after remediation.
# Create one-dimensional scatterplots to compare TCE concentrations
# before and after remediation and use a paired t-test to
# test for a difference between periods.
# TCE.mg.per.L Well Period
#1 20.900 1 Before
#2 9.170 2 Before
#3 5.960 3 Before
#... ...... .. ......
#18 0.520 8 After
#19 3.060 9 After
#20 1.900 10 After
stripChart(TCE.mg.per.L ~ Period, data = ACE.13.TCE.df,
col = c("brown", "green"), p.value = TRUE, paired = TRUE,
ylab = "TCE (mg/L)")
# Repeat the above procedure, but also plot the confidence interval
# for the mean of the paired differences.
stripChart(TCE.mg.per.L ~ Period, data = ACE.13.TCE.df,
col = c("brown", "green"), p.value = TRUE, paired = TRUE,
ylab = "TCE (mg/L)", plot.diff = TRUE, diff.col = "blue")
# Repeat the last two examples, but use a one-sided alternative since
# remediation should decrease TCE concentration.
stripChart(TCE.mg.per.L ~ Period, data = ACE.13.TCE.df,
col = c("brown", "green"), p.value = TRUE, paired = TRUE,
ylab = "TCE (mg/L)", alternative = "less",
group.difference.digits = 2)
# Repeat the above procedure, but also plot the confidence interval
# for the mean of the paired differences.
# NOTE: Although stripChart can *report* one-sided confidence intervals
# for the difference between two groups (see above example),
# when *plotting* the confidence interval for the difference,
# only two-sided CIs are allowed.
# Here, we will set the confidence level of the confidence
# interval for the mean of the paired differences to 90%,
# so that the upper bound of the CI corresponds to the upper
# bound of a 95% one-sided CI.
stripChart(TCE.mg.per.L ~ Period, data = ACE.13.TCE.df,
col = c("brown", "green"), p.value = TRUE, paired = TRUE,
ylab = "TCE (mg/L)", group.difference.digits = 2,
plot.diff = TRUE, diff.col = "blue", group.difference.conf.level = 0.9)
# Clean up
# The data frame Helsel.Hirsch.02.Mayfly.df contains paired counts
# of mayfly nymphs above and below industrial outfalls in 12 streams.
# Create one-dimensional scatterplots to compare the
# counts between locations and use a nonparametric test
# to compare counts above and below the outfalls.
# Mayfly.Count Stream Location
#1 12 1 Above
#2 15 2 Above
#3 11 3 Above
#... ... .. .....
#22 60 10 Below
#23 53 11 Below
#24 124 12 Below
stripChart(Mayfly.Count ~ Location, data = Helsel.Hirsch.02.Mayfly.df,
col = c("green", "brown"), p.value = TRUE, paired = TRUE,
ci.and.test = "nonparametric", ylab = "Number of Mayfly Nymphs")
# Repeat the above procedure, but also plot the confidence interval
# for the pseudomedian of the paired differences.
stripChart(Mayfly.Count ~ Location, data = Helsel.Hirsch.02.Mayfly.df,
col = c("green", "brown"), p.value = TRUE, paired = TRUE,
ci.and.test = "nonparametric", ylab = "Number of Mayfly Nymphs",
plot.diff = TRUE, diff.col = "blue")
# Clean up
# }
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