# Generate 30 observations from a gamma distribution with
# parameters mean=10 and cv=1 and then censor observations less than 5.
# Then:
# 1) Call distChooseCensored using the Shapiro-Wilk method and specify
# choices of the
# normal,
# gamma (alternative parameterzation), and
# lognormal (alternative parameterization)
# distributions.
# 2) Compare the results in 1) above with the results using the
# ProUCL method.
# Notes: The call to set.seed lets you reproduce this example.
# The ProUCL method chooses the Normal distribution, whereas the
# Shapiro-Wilk method chooses the Gamma distribution.
dat <- sort(rgammaAlt(30, mean = 10, cv = 1))
# [1] 0.5313509 1.4741833 1.9936208 2.7980636 3.4509840
# [6] 3.7987348 4.5542952 5.5207531 5.5253596 5.7177872
#[11] 5.7513827 9.1086375 9.8444090 10.6247123 10.9304922
#[16] 11.7925398 13.3432689 13.9562777 14.6029065 15.0563342
#[21] 15.8730642 16.0039936 16.6910715 17.0288922 17.8507891
#[26] 19.1105522 20.2657141 26.3815970 30.2912797 42.8726101
dat.censored <- dat
censored <- dat.censored < 5
dat.censored[censored] <- 5
# 1) Call distChooseCensored using the Shapiro-Wilk method.
distChooseCensored(dat.censored, censored, method = "sw",
choices = c("norm", "gammaAlt", "lnormAlt"))
#Results of Choosing Distribution
#Candidate Distributions: Normal
# Gamma
# Lognormal
#Choice Method: Shapiro-Wilk
#Type I Error per Test: 0.05
#Decision: Gamma
#Estimated Parameter(s): mean = 12.4911448
# cv = 0.7617343
#Estimation Method: MLE
#Data: dat.censored
#Sample Size: 30
#Censoring Side: left
#Censoring Variable: censored
#Censoring Level(s): 5
#Percent Censored: 23.33333%
#Test Results:
# Normal
# Test Statistic: W = 0.9372741
# P-value: 0.1704876
# Gamma
# Test Statistic: W = 0.9613711
# P-value: 0.522329
# Lognormal
# Test Statistic: W = 0.9292406
# P-value: 0.114511
# 2) Compare the results in 1) above with the results using the
# ProUCL method.
distChooseCensored(dat.censored, censored, method = "proucl")
#Results of Choosing Distribution
#Candidate Distributions: Normal
# Gamma
# Lognormal
#Choice Method: ProUCL
#Type I Error per Test: 0.05
#Decision: Normal
#Estimated Parameter(s): mean = 15.397584
# sd = 8.688302
#Estimation Method: mvue
#Data: dat.censored
#Sample Size: 30
#Censoring Side: left
#Censoring Variable: censored
#Censoring Level(s): 5
#Percent Censored: 23.33333%
#ProUCL Sample Size: 23
#Test Results:
# Normal
# Shapiro-Wilk GOF
# Test Statistic: W = 0.861652
# P-value: 0.004457924
# Lilliefors (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) GOF
# Test Statistic: D = 0.1714435
# P-value: 0.07794315
# Gamma
# ProUCL Anderson-Darling Gamma GOF
# Test Statistic: A = 0.3805556
# P-value: >= 0.10
# ProUCL Kolmogorov-Smirnov Gamma GOF
# Test Statistic: D = 0.1035271
# P-value: >= 0.10
# Lognormal
# Shapiro-Wilk GOF
# Test Statistic: W = 0.9532604
# P-value: 0.3414187
# Lilliefors (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) GOF
# Test Statistic: D = 0.115588
# P-value: 0.5899259
# Clean up
rm(dat, censored, dat.censored)
# Check the assumption that the silver data stored in Helsel.Cohn.88.silver.df
# follows a lognormal distribution.
# Note that the small p-value and the shape of the Q-Q plot
# (an inverted S-shape) suggests that the log transformation is not quite strong
# enough to "bring in" the tails (i.e., the log-transformed silver data has tails
# that are slightly too long relative to a normal distribution).
# Helsel and Cohn (1988, p.2002) note that the gross outlier of 560 mg/L tends to
# make the shape of the data resemble a gamma distribution, but
# the distChooseCensored function decision is neither Gamma nor Lognormal,
# but instead Nonparametric.
# First create a lognormal Q-Q plot
qqPlotCensored(Ag, Censored, distribution = "lnorm",
points.col = "blue", add.line = TRUE))
# Now call the distChooseCensored function using the default settings.
distChooseCensored(Ag, Censored))
#Results of Choosing Distribution
#Candidate Distributions: Normal
# Gamma
# Lognormal
#Choice Method: Shapiro-Francia
#Type I Error per Test: 0.05
#Decision: Nonparametric
#Data: Ag
#Sample Size: 56
#Censoring Side: left
#Censoring Variable: Censored
#Censoring Level(s): 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 1.0 2.0 2.5 5.0 6.0 10.0 20.0 25.0
#Percent Censored: 60.71429%
#Test Results:
# Normal
# Test Statistic: W = 0.3065529
# P-value: 8.346126e-08
# Gamma
# Test Statistic: W = 0.6254148
# P-value: 1.884155e-05
# Lognormal
# Test Statistic: W = 0.8957198
# P-value: 0.03490314
# Clean up
# Chapter 15 of USEPA (2009) gives several examples of looking
# at normal Q-Q plots and estimating the mean and standard deviation
# for manganese concentrations (ppb) in groundwater at five background
# wells (USEPA, 2009, p. 15-10). The Q-Q plot shown in Figure 15-4
# on page 15-13 clearly indicates that the Lognormal distribution
# is a good fit for these data.
# In EnvStats these data are stored in the data frame EPA.09.Ex.15.1.manganese.df.
# Here we will call the distChooseCensored function to determine
# whether the data appear to come from a normal, gamma, or lognormal
# distribution.
# Note that using the Probability Plot Correlation Coefficient method
# (equivalent to using the Shapiro-Francia method) yields a decision of
# Lognormal, but using the ProUCL method yields a decision of Gamma.
# First look at the data:
# Sample Well Manganese.Orig.ppb Manganese.ppb Censored
#1 1 Well.1 <5 5.0 TRUE
#2 2 Well.1 12.1 12.1 FALSE
#3 3 Well.1 16.9 16.9 FALSE
#23 3 Well.5 3.3 3.3 FALSE
#24 4 Well.5 8.4 8.4 FALSE
#25 5 Well.5 <2 2.0 TRUE
"Manganese.Orig.ppb", "Sample", "Well",
paste.row.name = TRUE)
# Well.1 Well.2 Well.3 Well.4 Well.5
#Sample.1 <5 <5 <5 6.3 17.9
#Sample.2 12.1 7.7 5.3 11.9 22.7
#Sample.3 16.9 53.6 12.6 10 3.3
#Sample.4 21.6 9.5 106.3 <2 8.4
#Sample.5 <2 45.9 34.5 77.2 <2
# Use distChooseCensored with the probability plot correlation method,
# and for the gamma and lognormal distribution specify the
# mean and CV parameterization:
distChooseCensored(Manganese.ppb, Censored,
choices = c("norm", "gamma", "lnormAlt"), method = "ppcc"))
#Results of Choosing Distribution
#Candidate Distributions: Normal
# Gamma
# Lognormal
#Choice Method: PPCC
#Type I Error per Test: 0.05
#Decision: Lognormal
#Estimated Parameter(s): mean = 23.003987
# cv = 2.300772
#Estimation Method: MLE
#Data: Manganese.ppb
#Sample Size: 25
#Censoring Side: left
#Censoring Variable: Censored
#Censoring Level(s): 2 5
#Percent Censored: 24%
#Test Results:
# Normal
# Test Statistic: r = 0.9147686
# P-value: 0.004662658
# Gamma
# Test Statistic: r = 0.9844875
# P-value: 0.6836625
# Lognormal
# Test Statistic: r = 0.9931982
# P-value: 0.9767731
# Repeat the above example using the ProUCL method.
distChooseCensored(Manganese.ppb, Censored, method = "proucl"))
#Results of Choosing Distribution
#Candidate Distributions: Normal
# Gamma
# Lognormal
#Choice Method: ProUCL
#Type I Error per Test: 0.05
#Decision: Gamma
#Estimated Parameter(s): shape = 1.284882
# scale = 19.813413
#Estimation Method: MLE
#Data: Manganese.ppb
#Sample Size: 25
#Censoring Side: left
#Censoring Variable: Censored
#Censoring Level(s): 2 5
#Percent Censored: 24%
#ProUCL Sample Size: 19
#Test Results:
# Normal
# Shapiro-Wilk GOF
# Test Statistic: W = 0.7423947
# P-value: 0.0001862975
# Lilliefors (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) GOF
# Test Statistic: D = 0.2768771
# P-value: 0.0004771155
# Gamma
# ProUCL Anderson-Darling Gamma GOF
# Test Statistic: A = 0.6857121
# P-value: 0.05 <= p < 0.10
# ProUCL Kolmogorov-Smirnov Gamma GOF
# Test Statistic: D = 0.1830034
# P-value: >= 0.10
# Lognormal
# Shapiro-Wilk GOF
# Test Statistic: W = 0.969805
# P-value: 0.7725528
# Lilliefors (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) GOF
# Test Statistic: D = 0.138547
# P-value: 0.4385195
if (FALSE) {
# 1) Simulate 1000 trials where for each trial you:
# a) Generate 30 observations from a Gamma distribution with
# parameters mean = 10 and CV = 1.
# b) Censor observations less than 5 (the 39th percentile).
# c) Use distChooseCensored with the Shapiro-Francia method.
# d) Use distChooseCensored with the ProUCL method.
# 2) Compare the proportion of times the
# Normal vs. Gamma vs. Lognormal vs. Nonparametric distribution
# is chosen for c) and d) above.
N <- 1000
Choose.fac <- factor(rep("", N), levels = c("Normal", "Gamma", "Lognormal", "Nonparametric"))
Choose.df <- data.frame(SW = Choose.fac, ProUCL = Choose.fac)
for(i in 1:N) {
dat <- rgammaAlt(30, mean = 10, cv = 1)
censored <- dat < 5
dat[censored] <- 5
Choose.df[i, "SW"] <- distChooseCensored(dat, censored, method = "sw")$decision
Choose.df[i, "ProUCL"] <- distChooseCensored(dat, censored, method = "proucl")$decision
summaryStats(Choose.df, digits = 0)
# ProUCL(N) ProUCL(Pct) SW(N) SW(Pct)
#Normal 520 52 398 40
#Gamma 336 34 375 38
#Lognormal 105 10 221 22
#Nonparametric 39 4 6 1
#Combined 1000 100 1000 100
# Repeat above example for the Lognormal Distribution with mean=10 and CV = 1.
# In this case, 5 is the 34th percentile.
N <- 1000
Choose.fac <- factor(rep("", N), levels = c("Normal", "Gamma", "Lognormal", "Nonparametric"))
Choose.df <- data.frame(SW = Choose.fac, ProUCL = Choose.fac)
for(i in 1:N) {
dat <- rlnormAlt(30, mean = 10, cv = 1)
censored <- dat < 5
dat[censored] <- 5
Choose.df[i, "SW"] <- distChooseCensored(dat, censored, method = "sf")$decision
Choose.df[i, "ProUCL"] <- distChooseCensored(dat, censored, method = "proucl")$decision
summaryStats(Choose.df, digits = 0)
# ProUCL(N) ProUCL(Pct) SW(N) SW(Pct)
#Normal 277 28 92 9
#Gamma 393 39 231 23
#Lognormal 190 19 624 62
#Nonparametric 140 14 53 5
#Combined 1000 100 1000 100
# Clean up
rm(N, Choose.fac, Choose.df, i, dat, censored)
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