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EnvStats (version 3.0.0)

FcnsByCatProbDists: EnvStats Probability Distributions and Random Numbers


Listed below are all of the probability distributions available in R and EnvStats. Distributions with a description in bold are new ones that are part of EnvStats. For each distribution, there are functions for generating: values for the probability density function, values for the cumulative distribution function, quantiles, and random numbers.

The data frame Distribution.df contains information about all of these probability distributions.



Distribution AbbreviationDescription
betaBeta distribution.
binomBinomial distribution.
cauchyCauchy distribution.
chiChi distribution.
chisqChi-squared distribution.
expExponential distribution.
evdExtreme value distribution.
gammaGamma distribution.
gammAltGamma distribution parameterized with mean and CV.
gevdGeneralized extreme value distribution.
geomGeometric distribution.
hyperHypergeometric distribution.
logisLogistic distribution.
lnormLognormal distribution.
lnormAltLognormal distribution parameterized with mean and CV.
lnormMixMixture of two lognormal distributions.
lnormMixAltMixture of two lognormal distributions
parameterized by their means and CVs.
lnorm3Three-parameter lognormal distribution.
lnormTruncTruncated lognormal distribution.
lnormTruncAltTruncated lognormal distribution
parameterized by mean and CV.
nbinomNegative binomial distribution.
normNormal distribution.
normMixMixture of two normal distributions.
normTruncTruncated normal distribution.
paretoPareto distribution.
poisPoisson distribution.
tStudent's t-distribution.
triTriangular distribution.
unifUniform distribution.
weibullWeibull distribution.
wilcoxWilcoxon rank sum distribution.
zmlnormZero-modified lognormal (delta) distribution.
zmlnormAltZero-modified lognormal (delta) distribution
parameterized with mean and CV.
zmnormZero-modified normal distribution.

In addition, the functions evNormOrdStats and evNormOrdStatsScalar compute expected values of order statistics from a standard normal distribution.