# Generate 30 observations from a lognormal distribution with
# mean=10 and cv=2. Look at some values of various objectives
# for various transformations. Note that for both the PPCC and
# the Log-Likelihood objective, the optimal value of lambda is
# about 0, indicating that a log transformation is appropriate.
# (Note: the call to set.seed simply allows you to reproduce this example.)
x <- rlnormAlt(30, mean = 10, cv = 2)
hist(x, col = "cyan")
# Using the PPCC objective:
#Results of Box-Cox Transformation
#Objective Name: PPCC
#Data: x
#Sample Size: 30
# lambda PPCC
# -2.0 0.5423739
# -1.5 0.6402782
# -1.0 0.7818160
# -0.5 0.9272219
# 0.0 0.9921702
# 0.5 0.9581178
# 1.0 0.8749611
# 1.5 0.7827009
# 2.0 0.7004547
boxcox(x, optimize = TRUE)
#Results of Box-Cox Transformation
#Objective Name: PPCC
#Data: x
#Sample Size: 30
#Bounds for Optimization: lower = -2
# upper = 2
#Optimal Value: lambda = 0.04530789
#Value of Objective: PPCC = 0.9925919
# Using the Log-Likelihodd objective
boxcox(x, objective.name = "Log-Likelihood")
#Results of Box-Cox Transformation
#Objective Name: Log-Likelihood
#Data: x
#Sample Size: 30
# lambda Log-Likelihood
# -2.0 -154.94255
# -1.5 -128.59988
# -1.0 -106.23882
# -0.5 -90.84800
# 0.0 -85.10204
# 0.5 -88.69825
# 1.0 -99.42630
# 1.5 -115.23701
# 2.0 -134.54125
boxcox(x, objective.name = "Log-Likelihood", optimize = TRUE)
#Results of Box-Cox Transformation
#Objective Name: Log-Likelihood
#Data: x
#Sample Size: 30
#Bounds for Optimization: lower = -2
# upper = 2
#Optimal Value: lambda = 0.0405156
#Value of Objective: Log-Likelihood = -85.07123
# Plot the results based on the PPCC objective
boxcox.list <- boxcox(x)
#Look at QQ-Plots for the candidate values of lambda
plot(boxcox.list, plot.type = "Q-Q Plots", same.window = FALSE)
# The data frame Environmental.df contains daily measurements of
# ozone concentration, wind speed, temperature, and solar radiation
# in New York City for 153 consecutive days between May 1 and
# September 30, 1973. In this example, we'll plot ozone vs.
# temperature and look at the Q-Q plot of the residuals. Then
# we'll look at possible Box-Cox transformations. The "optimal" one
# based on the PPCC looks close to a log-transformation
# (i.e., lambda=0). The power that produces the largest PPCC is
# about 0.2, so a cube root (lambda=1/3) transformation might work too.
# ozone radiation temperature wind
#05/01/1973 41 190 67 7.4
#05/02/1973 36 118 72 8.0
#05/03/1973 12 149 74 12.6
#05/04/1973 18 313 62 11.5
#05/05/1973 NA NA 56 14.3
#05/06/1973 28 NA 66 14.9
# ozone radiation temperature wind
#09/25/1973 14 20 63 16.6
#09/26/1973 30 193 70 6.9
#09/27/1973 NA 145 77 13.2
#09/28/1973 14 191 75 14.3
#09/29/1973 18 131 76 8.0
#09/30/1973 20 223 68 11.5
# Fit the model with the raw Ozone data
ozone.fit <- lm(ozone ~ temperature, data = Environmental.df)
# Plot Ozone vs. Temperature, with fitted line
plot(temperature, ozone, xlab = "Temperature (degrees F)",
ylab = "Ozone (ppb)", main = "Ozone vs. Temperature"))
# Look at the Q-Q Plot for the residuals
qqPlot(ozone.fit$residuals, add.line = TRUE)
# Look at Box-Cox transformations of Ozone
boxcox.list <- boxcox(ozone.fit)
#Results of Box-Cox Transformation
#Objective Name: PPCC
#Linear Model: ozone.fit
#Sample Size: 116
# lambda PPCC
# -2.0 0.4286781
# -1.5 0.4673544
# -1.0 0.5896132
# -0.5 0.8301458
# 0.0 0.9871519
# 0.5 0.9819825
# 1.0 0.9408694
# 1.5 0.8840770
# 2.0 0.8213675
# Plot PPCC vs. lambda based on Q-Q plots of residuals
# Look at Q-Q plots of residuals for the various transformation
plot(boxcox.list, plot.type = "Q-Q Plots", same.window = FALSE)
# Compute the "optimal" transformation
boxcox(ozone.fit, optimize = TRUE)
#Results of Box-Cox Transformation
#Objective Name: PPCC
#Linear Model: ozone.fit
#Sample Size: 116
#Bounds for Optimization: lower = -2
# upper = 2
#Optimal Value: lambda = 0.2004305
#Value of Objective: PPCC = 0.9940222
# Clean up
rm(x, boxcox.list, ozone.fit)
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