# Create an object of class "boxcoxCensored", then print it out.
# (Note: the call to set.seed simply allows you to reproduce this example.)
x.1 <- rlnormAlt(15, mean = 10, cv = 2)
censored.1 <- x.1 < 2
x.1[censored.1] <- 2
x.2 <- rlnormAlt(15, mean = 10, cv = 2)
censored.2 <- x.2 < 4
x.2[censored.2] <- 4
x <- c(x.1, x.2)
censored <- c(censored.1, censored.2)
boxcox.list <- boxcoxCensored(x, censored)
#[1] "boxcoxCensored"
# [1] "lambda" "objective" "objective.name"
# [4] "optimize" "optimize.bounds" "eps"
# [7] "data" "censored" "sample.size"
#[10] "censoring.side" "censoring.levels" "percent.censored"
#[13] "data.name" "censoring.name" "bad.obs"
#Results of Box-Cox Transformation
#Based on Type I Censored Data
#Objective Name: PPCC
#Data: x
#Censoring Variable: censored
#Censoring Side: left
#Censoring Level(s): 2 4
#Sample Size: 30
#Percent Censored: 26.7%
# lambda PPCC
# -2.0 0.8954683
# -1.5 0.9338467
# -1.0 0.9643680
# -0.5 0.9812969
# 0.0 0.9776834
# 0.5 0.9471025
# 1.0 0.8901990
# 1.5 0.8187488
# 2.0 0.7480494
boxcox.list2 <- boxcox(x, optimize = TRUE)
# [1] "lambda" "objective" "objective.name"
# [4] "optimize" "optimize.bounds" "eps"
# [7] "data" "sample.size" "data.name"
#[10] "bad.obs"
#Results of Box-Cox Transformation
#Objective Name: PPCC
#Data: x
#Sample Size: 30
#Bounds for Optimization: lower = -2
# upper = 2
#Optimal Value: lambda = -0.5826431
#Value of Objective: PPCC = 0.9755402
# Clean up
rm(x.1, censored.1, x.2, censored.2, x, censored, boxcox.list, boxcox.list2)
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