), rates versus period connected within age-groups
) and rates and rates versus date of birth cohort
). rateplot
is a wrapper for these, allowing
to produce the four classical displays with a single call.rateplot( rates,
which = c("ap","ac","pa","ca"),
age = as.numeric( dimnames( rates )[[1]] ),
per = as.numeric( dimnames( rates )[[2]] ),
grid = FALSE,
a.grid = grid,
p.grid = grid,
c.grid = grid,
ygrid = grid,
col.grid = gray( 0.9 ),
a.lim = range( age, na.rm=TRUE ) + c(0,diff( range( age ) )/30),
p.lim = range( per, na.rm=TRUE ) + c(0,diff( range( age ) )/30),
c.lim = NULL,
ylim = range( rates[rates>0], na.rm=TRUE ),
at = NULL,
labels = paste( at ),
a.lab = "Age at diagnosis",
p.lab = "Date of diagnosis",
c.lab = "Date of birth",
ylab = "Rates",
type = "l",
lwd = 2,
lty = 1,
log.ax = "y",
las = 1,
ann = FALSE,
a.ann = ann,
p.ann = ann,
c.ann = ann,
xannx = 1/20,
cex.ann = 0.8,
a.thin = seq( 1, length( age ), 2 ),
p.thin = seq( 1, length( per ), 2 ),
c.thin = seq( 2, length( age ) + length( per ) - 1, 2 ),
col = par( "fg" ),
a.col = col,
p.col = col,
c.col = col,
... )Aplot( rates, age = as.numeric( dimnames( rates )[[1]] ),
per = as.numeric( dimnames( rates )[[2]] ), grid = FALSE,
a.grid = grid, ygrid = grid, col.grid = gray( 0.9 ),
a.lim = range( age, na.rm=TRUE ), ylim = range( rates[rates>0], na.rm=TRUE ),
at = NULL, labels = paste( at ), a.lab = names( dimnames( rates ) )[1],
ylab = deparse( substitute( rates ) ), type = "l", lwd = 2, lty = 1,
col = par( "fg" ), log.ax = "y", las = 1, c.col = col, p.col = col,
c.ann = FALSE, p.ann = FALSE, xannx = 1/20, cex.ann = 0.8,
c.thin = seq( 2, length( age ) + length( per ) - 1, 2 ),
p.thin = seq( 1, length( per ), 2 ), p.lines = TRUE,
c.lines = !p.lines, ... )
Pplot( rates, age = as.numeric( dimnames( rates )[[1]] ),
per = as.numeric( dimnames( rates )[[2]] ), grid = FALSE,
p.grid = grid, ygrid = grid, col.grid = gray( 0.9 ),
p.lim = range( per, na.rm=TRUE ) + c(0,diff(range(per))/30),
ylim = range( rates[rates>0], na.rm=TRUE ), p.lab = names( dimnames( rates ) )[2],
ylab = deparse( substitute( rates ) ), at = NULL, labels = paste( at ),
type = "l", lwd = 2, lty = 1, col = par( "fg" ), log.ax = "y",
las = 1, ann = FALSE, cex.ann = 0.8, xannx = 1/20,
a.thin = seq( 1, length( age ), 2 ), ... )
Cplot( rates, age = as.numeric( rownames( rates ) ),
per = as.numeric( colnames( rates ) ), grid = FALSE,
c.grid = grid, ygrid = grid, col.grid = gray( 0.9 ),
c.lim = NULL, ylim = range( rates[rates>0], na.rm=TRUE ),
at = NULL, labels = paste( at ), c.lab = names( dimnames( rates ) )[2],
ylab = deparse( substitute( rates ) ), type = "l", lwd = 2, lty = 1,
col = par( "fg" ), log.ax = "y", las = 1, xannx = 1/20, ann = FALSE,
cex.ann = 0.8, a.thin = seq( 1, length( age ), 2 ), ... )
, indication which plots should
be produced. One plot per element is produced. The first letter
indicates the x-axis of the plot, the remaining which groups
as numeric.rates
as numeric."l"
, indicating
which axes should be logarithmic. "y"
and "r"
refer to the rate scale. Defaults to "y"
plotting the curves.NULL
. The function is used for its side-effect, the plot.apc.frame
data( blcaIT )
# Table of rates:
bl.rate <- tapply( D, list(age,period), sum ) /
tapply( Y, list(age,period), sum )
# The four classical plots:
par( mfrow=c(2,2) )
rateplot( bl.rate*10^6 )
# The labels on the vertical axis could be nicer:
rateplot( bl.rate*10^6, at=10^(-1:3), labels=c(0.1,1,10,100,1000) )
# More bells an whistles
par( mfrow=c(1,3), mar=c(3,3,1,1), oma=c(0,3,0,0), mgp=c(3,1,0)/1.6 )
rateplot( bl.rate*10^6, ylab="", ann=TRUE, which=c("AC","PA","CA"),
at=10^(-1:3), labels=c(0.1,1,10,100,1000),
col=topo.colors(11), cex.ann=1.2 )
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab