library( Epi )
data( DMlate )
# Naive Lexis object
Lx <- Lexis( entry = list( age = dodm-dobth ),
exit = list( age = dox -dobth ),
exit.status = factor( !is.na(dodth), labels=c("DM","Dead") ),
data = DMlate )
# Cut follow-up at insulin inception
Lc <- cutLexis( Lx, cut = Lx$doins-Lx$dob,
new.state = "DM/ins",
precursor.states = "DM" )
summary( Lc )
# Split in small age intervals
Sc <- splitLexis( Lc, breaks=seq(0,120,2) )
summary( Sc )
# Overview of object
boxes( Sc, boxpos=TRUE, show.BE=TRUE, scale.R=100 )
# Knots for splines
a.kn <- 2:9*10
# Mortality among DM
mW <- glm( lex.Xst=="Dead" ~ Ns( age, knots=a.kn ),
offset = log(lex.dur),
family = poisson,
data = subset(Sc,lex.Cst=="DM") )
# Mortality among insulin treated
mI <- update( mW, data = subset(Sc,lex.Cst=="DM/ins") )
# Total motality
mT <- update( mW, data = Sc )
# Incidence of insulin inception
lI <- update( mW, lex.Xst=="DM/ins" ~ . )
# From these we can now derive the fitted rates in intervals of 1 year's
# length. In real applications you would use much smaller interval like
# 1 month:
# int <- 1/12
int <- 1
# Prediction frame to return rates in units of cases per 1 year
# - we start at age 40 since rates of insulin inception are largely
# indeterminate before age 40
nd <- data.frame( age = seq( 40+int, 110, int ) - int/2,
lex.dur = 1 )
muW <- predict( mW, newdata = nd, type = "response" )
muD <- predict( mI, newdata = nd, type = "response" )
lam <- predict( lI, newdata = nd, type = "response" )
# Compute the survival function, and the conditional from ages 50 resp. 70
s1 <- surv1( int, muD, age.in=40, A=c(50,70) )
round( s1, 3 )
s2 <- surv2( int, muW, muD, lam, age.in=40, A=c(50,70) )
round( s2, 3 )
# How much is YLL overrated by ignoring insulin incidence?
round( YLL <- cbind(
yll( int, muW, muD, lam, A = 41:90, age.in = 40 ),
yll( int, muW, muD, lam, A = 41:90, age.in = 40, immune=TRUE ) ), 2 )[seq(1,51,10),]
par( mar=c(3,3,1,1), mgp=c(3,1,0)/1.6, bty="n", las=1 )
matplot( 40:90, YLL,
type="l", lty=1, lwd=3,
ylim=c(0,10), yaxs="i", xlab="Age" )
# }
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