## load data on pandemic flu in a school in 2009
## estimate the reproduction number (method "non_parametric_si")
## when not specifying t_start and t_end in config, they are set to estimate
## the reproduction number on sliding weekly windows
res <- estimate_R(incid = Flu2009$incidence,
method = "non_parametric_si",
config = make_config(list(si_distr = Flu2009$si_distr)))
## the second plot produced shows, at each each day,
## the estimate of the reproduction number over the 7-day window
## finishing on that day.
## to specify t_start and t_end in config, e.g. to have biweekly sliding
## windows
t_start <- seq(2, nrow(Flu2009$incidence)-13)
t_end <- t_start + 13
res <- estimate_R(incid = Flu2009$incidence,
method = "non_parametric_si",
config = make_config(list(
si_distr = Flu2009$si_distr,
t_start = t_start,
t_end = t_end)))
## the second plot produced shows, at each each day,
## the estimate of the reproduction number over the 14-day window
## finishing on that day.
## example with an incidence object
## create fake data
data <- c(0,1,1,2,1,3,4,5,5,5,5,4,4,26,6,7,9)
location <- sample(c("local","imported"), length(data), replace=TRUE)
location[1] <- "imported" # forcing the first case to be imported
## get incidence per group (location)
incid <- incidence(data, groups = location)
## Estimate R with assumptions on serial interval
res <- estimate_R(incid, method = "parametric_si",
config = make_config(list(
mean_si = 2.6, std_si = 1.5)))
## the second plot produced shows, at each each day,
## the estimate of the reproduction number over the 7-day window
## finishing on that day.
## estimate the reproduction number (method "parametric_si")
res <- estimate_R(Flu2009$incidence, method = "parametric_si",
config = make_config(list(mean_si = 2.6, std_si = 1.5)))
## the second plot produced shows, at each each day,
## the estimate of the reproduction number over the 7-day window
## finishing on that day.
## estimate the reproduction number (method "uncertain_si")
res <- estimate_R(Flu2009$incidence, method = "uncertain_si",
config = make_config(list(
mean_si = 2.6, std_mean_si = 1,
min_mean_si = 1, max_mean_si = 4.2,
std_si = 1.5, std_std_si = 0.5,
min_std_si = 0.5, max_std_si = 2.5,
n1 = 100, n2 = 100)))
## the bottom left plot produced shows, at each each day,
## the estimate of the reproduction number over the 7-day window
## finishing on that day.
# }
## Note the following examples use an MCMC routine
## to estimate the serial interval distribution from data,
## so they may take a few minutes to run
## load data on rotavirus
## estimate the reproduction number (method "si_from_data")
MCMC_seed <- 1
overall_seed <- 2
R_si_from_data <- estimate_R(MockRotavirus$incidence,
method = "si_from_data",
si_data = MockRotavirus$si_data,
config = make_config(list(si_parametric_distr = "G",
mcmc_control = make_mcmc_control(list(burnin = 1000,
thin = 10, seed = MCMC_seed),
n1 = 500, n2 = 50,
seed = overall_seed))))
## compare with version with no uncertainty
R_Parametric <- estimate_R(MockRotavirus$incidence,
method = "parametric_si",
config = make_config(list(
mean_si = mean(R_si_from_data$SI.Moments$Mean),
std_si = mean(R_si_from_data$SI.Moments$Std))))
## generate plots
p_uncertainty <- plot(R_si_from_data, "R", options_R=list(ylim=c(0, 1.5)))
p_no_uncertainty <- plot(R_Parametric, "R", options_R=list(ylim=c(0, 1.5)))
gridExtra::grid.arrange(p_uncertainty, p_no_uncertainty,ncol=2)
## the left hand side graph is with uncertainty in the SI distribution, the
## right hand side without.
## The credible intervals are wider when accounting for uncertainty in the SI
## distribution.
## estimate the reproduction number (method "si_from_sample")
MCMC_seed <- 1
overall_seed <- 2
SI.fit <- coarseDataTools::dic.fit.mcmc(dat = MockRotavirus$si_data,
dist = "G",
init.pars = init_mcmc_params(MockRotavirus$si_data, "G"),
burnin = 1000,
n.samples = 5000,
seed = MCMC_seed)
si_sample <- coarse2estim(SI.fit, thin = 10)$si_sample
R_si_from_sample <- estimate_R(MockRotavirus$incidence,
method = "si_from_sample",
si_sample = si_sample,
config = make_config(list(n2 = 50,
seed = overall_seed)))
## check that R_si_from_sample is the same as R_si_from_data
## since they were generated using the same MCMC algorithm to generate the SI
## sample (either internally to EpiEstim or externally)
all(R_si_from_sample$R$`Mean(R)` == R_si_from_data$R$`Mean(R)`)
# }
# }
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