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EpiILMCT (version 1.1.7)

summary.epictmcmc: Summary method for epictmcmc objects


Summarize a epictmcmc object and return an object of class summary.epictmcmc.


# S3 method for epictmcmc
summary(object, digits = NULL, start = NULL, end = NULL, thin = NULL, …)
# S3 method for summary.epictmcmc
print(x, digits, start, end, thin, …)


x, object

an S3 object of class epictmcmc (i.e. the output of the epictmcmc function).


the number of printed digits of the estimates. Default value is 6.

start, end, thin

options for creating mcmc object.

potential further arguments (require by generic).

See Also

epictmcmc, print.epictmcmc, plot.epictmcmc.