The function prints a calculation summary to the screen containing the following elements:
- ET model name and ET quantity estimated
- Time step of the output ET estimates (i.e. the value of argument ts
- Units of the output ET estimates
- Time duration of the ET estimation
- Number of ET estimates obtained in the entire time-series
- Basic statistics of the estimated ET time-series including mean, max and min values.
The function also generates a list containing the following components, which is saved into a csv
file named as ET_Linacre.csv in the working directory:
ET.DailyDaily aggregated estimations of Linacre actual evapotranspiration.
ET.MonthlyMonthly aggregated estimations of Linacre actual evapotranspiration.
ET.AnnualAnnually aggregated estimations of Linacre actual evapotranspiration.
ET.MonthlyAveMonthly averaged estimations of daily Linacre actual evapotranspiration.
ET.AnnualAveAnnually averaged estimations of daily Linacre actual evapotranspiration.
ET_formulationName of the formulation used which equals to Linacre
ET_typeType of the estimation obtained which is Actual Evapotranspiration