This data set contains the raw climate data including the variables required for calculating evapotranspiration in function ET
over the observation period between 1/3/2001 and 08/31/2004 at the Kent Town station in Adelaide, Australia.
A data frame containing 10240 obserations of 13 objects:
Station.Number - weather station number, Year - year of record, Month - month of record, Day - day of record, Hour - hour of record, Julian - Julian day of record, Temp.subdaily - subdaily temperature data in degree Celcius, Tdew.subdaily - subdaily dew point temperature data in degree Celcius, RH.subdaily - subdaily relative humidity data in degree Celcius, n.daily - daily sunshine hour data in hours, uz.subdaily - subdaily wind speed data in meter per second, Tmin.daily - daily maximum temperature data in degree Celcius, Tmax.daily - daily minimum temperature data in degree Celcius.