Add annotations to a ExomeDepth object.
# S4 method for ExomeDepth
AnnotateExtra(x, reference.annotation, min.overlap = 0.5,
An ExomeDepth
The list of reference annotations in GRanges format.
Numeric, defaults to 0.5. This defines the minimum fraction of the CNV call that is covered by the reference call to declare that there is a significant overlap.
The name of the column used to store the overlap (in the slot CNV.calls).
An ExomeDepth object with the relevant annotations added to the CNVcalls slot.
This function takes annotations in the GRanges format and adds these to the CNV calls in
the ExomeDepth object.
Note that a recent version of GenomicRanges (> 1.8.10)
is required. Otherwise the
function will return a warning and not update the ExomeDepth object.