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FAOSTAT (version 2.2.4)

scaleUnit: A function to standardize the unit


The function standardize the data to the desirable unit when the multiplier vector is supplied. For example per 1000 people is scaled to per person by supplying a multiplier of 1000.


scaleUnit(df, multiplier)



The data frame containing the data to be scale


The named vector with the multiplier to be scaled. The name is mandatory in order for the function to identify the variable in the data frame. A data.frame can also be supplied with the first column being the name and the second being the numeric multiplier.


Run this code

## Create the data frame
test.df = data.frame(FAOST_CODE = 1:5, Year = 1995:1999,
  var1 = 1:5, var2 = 5:1)

## Create the named vector for scaling
multiplier = c(1, 10)
names(multiplier) = c("var1", "var2")

## Scale the data
scaleUnit(test.df, multiplier = multiplier)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab