# model with linear functional effect, use bsignal()
# Y(t) = f(t) + \int X1(s)\beta(s,t)ds + eps
data1 <- pffrSim(scenario = "ff", n = 40)
data1$X1 <- scale(data1$X1, scale = FALSE)
dat_list <- as.list(data1)
dat_list$t <- attr(data1, "yindex")
dat_list$s <- attr(data1, "xindex")
## model fit by FDboost
m1 <- FDboost(Y ~ 1 + bsignal(x = X1, s = s, knots = 8, df = 3),
timeformula = ~ bbs(t, knots = 8), data = dat_list)
# \donttest{
# a short toy example with to few folds
# and up to 200 boosting iterations
bootCIs <- bootstrapCI(m1[200], B_inner = 2, B_outer = 5)
# look at stopping iterations
# plot bootstrapped coefficient estimates
plot(bootCIs, ask = FALSE)
# }
my_inner_fun <- function(object){
cvrisk(object, folds = cvLong(id = object$id, weights =
model.weights(object), B = 2) # 10-fold for inner resampling
# \donttest{
bootCIs <- bootstrapCI(m1, resampling_fun_inner = my_inner_fun,
B_outer = 5) # small B_outer to speed up
# }
## We can also use the ... argument to parallelize the applyFolds
## function in the outer resampling
# \donttest{
bootCIs <- bootstrapCI(m1, B_inner = 5, B_outer = 3)
# }
## Now let's parallelize the outer resampling and use
## crossvalidation instead of bootstrap for the inner resampling
my_inner_fun <- function(object){
cvrisk(object, folds = cvLong(id = object$id, weights =
model.weights(object), type = "kfold", # use CV
B = 5, # 5-fold for inner resampling
)) # use five cores
# use applyFolds for outer function to avoid messing up weights
my_outer_fun <- function(object, fun){
applyFolds(object = object,
folds = cv(rep(1, length(unique(object$id))),
type = "bootstrap", B = 10), fun = fun) # parallelize on 10 cores
# \donttest{
bootCIs <- bootstrapCI(m1, resampling_fun_inner = my_inner_fun,
resampling_fun_outer = my_outer_fun,
B_inner = 5, B_outer = 10)
# }
######## Example for scalar-on-function-regression with bsignal()
data("fuelSubset", package = "FDboost")
## center the functional covariates per observed wavelength
fuelSubset$UVVIS <- scale(fuelSubset$UVVIS, scale = FALSE)
fuelSubset$NIR <- scale(fuelSubset$NIR, scale = FALSE)
## to make mboost:::df2lambda() happy (all design matrix entries < 10)
## reduce range of argvals to [0,1] to get smaller integration weights
fuelSubset$uvvis.lambda <- with(fuelSubset, (uvvis.lambda - min(uvvis.lambda)) /
(max(uvvis.lambda) - min(uvvis.lambda) ))
fuelSubset$nir.lambda <- with(fuelSubset, (nir.lambda - min(nir.lambda)) /
(max(nir.lambda) - min(nir.lambda) ))
## model fit with scalar response and two functional linear effects
## include no intercept as all base-learners are centered around 0
mod2 <- FDboost(heatan ~ bsignal(UVVIS, uvvis.lambda, knots = 40, df = 4, check.ident = FALSE)
+ bsignal(NIR, nir.lambda, knots = 40, df=4, check.ident = FALSE),
timeformula = NULL, data = fuelSubset)
# \donttest{
# takes some time, because of defaults: B_outer = 100, B_inner = 25
bootCIs <- bootstrapCI(mod2, B_outer = 10, B_inner = 5)
# in practice, rather set B_outer = 1000
# }
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