R Package FILEST
The R package FILEST
(Fine-Level Structure Simulator) is a population
genetic simulator. The simulator is able to generate synthetic datasets for
single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) for multiple populations. The genetic
distances among populations can be set according to the Fixation Index (Fst).
This tool is able to simulate outlying individuals and missing SNPs can be
specified. For Genome-wide association study (GWAS), disease status can be set
in desired level according risk ratio.
The R package FILEST
requires KRIS
Here is the list of functions in the R package FILEST
Install the released version of FILEST
from CRAN:
For developemenpers: problem sovling in checking the package as CRAN
Error of Roxygen2 in building RD files
The source codes in this package include the Roxgen's syntax. If there is a
problem for generating the RD files (facing some errors) using RStudio (Build >
Document), try to use roxygen2::roxygenise()
instead of Build > Document
from the menu. Alternatively, install the package devtools
, then enable
RStudio to use the functions from devtools
(check Build > Configure Build
Tools... > use devtools package functions if available) or run
in the console.
Error of testthat for unit testing
When facing error for testthat
, try to update the package testthat
and add
Suggests: testthat
Submit package to CRAN
Check the submission using R CMD check --as-cran
and a current version of
r-devel, as mandated by the CRAN Repository Policy. (You could do so using the
win-builder service at http://win-builder.r-project.org)
Resubmit new version to CRAN
Check downstream dependencies with devtools::revdep_check()
Error on checking DESCRIPTION meta-information in Linux
Edit ~/.profile, ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc, then add
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
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