## Make test image with axis information, write to disk
Z <- matrix(1:15, ncol = 3)
filename <- paste(tempdir(), "test.fits", sep="")
writeFITSim(Z, file = filename, c1 = "Test FITS file",
crpix = c(1,1), crvaln = c(10, 100), cdeltn = c(8, 2),
ctypen = c("Distance", "Time"),
cunitn = c("Furlongs", "Fortnights"))
## Read image back and display
X <- readFITS(filename)
ax1 <- axVec(1, X$axDat) # Make axis vector for image
ax2 <- axVec(2, X$axDat)
xlab <- X$axDat$ctype[1]
ylab <- paste(X$axDat$ctype[2], " [", X$axDat$cunit[2], "]", sep = "")
image(ax1, ax2, X$imDat, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab)
X$axDat # Display data frame with axis data
X$hdr[1:10] # Header sample
X$hdr[which(X$hdr=="BITPIX")+1] # BITPIX value from header
### Read back in, modify data, header, and axis data information,
## then write modified version as new file
Z <- readFITS(filename)
Z$imDat <- Z$imDat + 300
Z$header <- addKwv('SCALE', 1.03, 'test header mod', header=Z$header)
# Z$axDat <- edit(Z$axDat) # interactive edit
Z$axDat$cdelt[2] <- 20
filename2 <- paste(tempdir(), "test.fits", sep="")
writeFITSim(Z$imDat, file=filename2, axDat=Z$axDat, header=Z$header)
## Clean up files to avoid clutter
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab