## =======================================================================
## Sampling a 3-dimensional normal distribution,
## =======================================================================
# mean = 1:3, sd = 0.1
# f returns -2*log(probability) of the parameter values
NN <- function(p) {
mu <- c(1,2,3)
-2*sum(log(dnorm(p, mean = mu, sd = 0.1))) #-2*log(probability)
# simple Metropolis-Hastings
MCMC <- modMCMC(f = NN, p = 0:2, niter = 5000,
outputlength = 1000, jump = 0.5)
# More accepted values by updating the jump covariance matrix...
MCMC <- modMCMC(f = NN, p = 0:2, niter = 5000, updatecov = 100,
outputlength = 1000, jump = 0.5)
plot(MCMC) # check convergence
## =======================================================================
## test 2: sampling a 3-D normal distribution, larger standard deviation...
## noninformative priors, lower and upper bounds imposed on parameters
## =======================================================================
NN <- function(p) {
mu <- c(1,2,2.5)
-2*sum(log(dnorm(p, mean = mu, sd = 0.5))) #-2*log(probability)
MCMC2 <- modMCMC(f = NN, p = 1:3, niter = 2000, burninlength = 500,
updatecov = 10, jump = 0.5, lower = c(0, 2, 1), upper = c(1, 3, 3))
hist(MCMC2, breaks = 20)
## Compare output of p3 with theoretical distribution
hist(MCMC2, which = "p3", breaks = 20)
lines(seq(1, 3, 0.1), dnorm(seq(1, 3, 0.1), mean = 2.5,
sd = 0.5)/pnorm(3, 2.5, 0.5))
# functions from package coda...
## =======================================================================
## test 3: sampling a log-normal distribution, log mean=1:4, log sd = 1
## =======================================================================
NL <- function(p) {
mu <- 1:4
-2*sum(log(dlnorm(p, mean = mu, sd = 1))) #-2*log(probability)
MCMCl <- modMCMC(f = NL, p = log(1:4), niter = 3000,
outputlength = 1000, jump = 5)
plot(MCMCl) # bad convergence
MCMCl <- modMCMC (f = NL, p = log(1:4), niter = 3000,
outputlength = 1000, jump = 2^(2:5))
plot(MCMCl) # better convergence but CHECK it!
apply(log(MCMCl$pars), 2, sd)
MCMCl <- modMCMC (f = NL, p = rep(1, 4), niter = 3000,
outputlength = 1000, jump = 5, updatecov = 100)
apply(log(MCMCl$pars), 2, sd)
## =======================================================================
## Fitting a Monod (Michaelis-Menten) function to data
## =======================================================================
# the observations
Obs <- data.frame(x=c( 28, 55, 83, 110, 138, 225, 375), # mg COD/l
y=c(0.053,0.06,0.112,0.105,0.099,0.122,0.125)) # 1/hour
plot(Obs, pch = 16, cex = 2, xlim = c(0, 400), ylim = c(0, 0.15),
xlab = "mg COD/l", ylab = "1/hr", main = "Monod")
# the Monod model
Model <- function(p, x) data.frame(x = x, N = p[1]*x/(x+p[2]))
# Fitting the model to the data
# define the residual function
Residuals <- function(p) (Obs$y - Model(p, Obs$x)$N)
# use modFit to find parameters
P <- modFit(f = Residuals, p = c(0.1, 1))
# plot best-fit model
x <-0:375
lines(Model(P$par, x))
# summary of fit
sP <- summary(P)
# Running an MCMC
# estimate parameter covariances
# (to efficiently generate new parameter values)
Covar <- sP$cov.scaled * 2.4^2/2
# the model variance
s2prior <- sP$modVariance
# set nprior = 0 to avoid updating model variance
MCMC <- modMCMC(f = Residuals, p = P$par,jump = Covar, niter = 1000,
var0 = s2prior, wvar0 = NULL, updatecov = 100)
plot(MCMC, Full = TRUE)
# function from the coda package.
cov(MCMC$pars) # covariances by MCMC
sP$cov.scaled # covariances by Hessian of fit
x <- 1:400
SR <- summary(sensRange(parInput = MCMC$pars, func = Model, x = x))
plot(SR, xlab="mg COD/l", ylab = "1/hr", main = "Monod")
points(Obs, pch = 16, cex = 1.5)
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